This bird can fly英语教案及教学反思

发布时间:2017-03-24 09:04

英语教案是小学英语教师课堂教学过程中的重要依据,是教学活动正常开展的重要保障。下面小编为大家带来This bird can fly英语教案及教学反思,希望对你有所帮助。

This bird can fly英语教案


1. 知识与技能



能在语境中理解句子This bird can ... But this bird can't ... 等等

2. 过程与方法



3. 情感与价值观











Step 1. Warming-up

1. Greeting each other.

2. Chant and do:

Sing,sing,sing. Can you sing? Yes,I can. Yes,I can.

Jump,jump,jump. Can you jump? No,I can’t. No,I can’t.

Run,run,run. Can you run? Yes,I can. Yes,I can.

Swim,swim,swim. Can you swim? No,I can’t. No,I can’t.

3. Ask some question.

T: Can you eat a/an…?

设计理念: 关注学生情感培养,激发学生的学习兴趣,教师设计形式多样的教学情景,新旧知识交替出现。在创设和谐愉快的课堂气氛前提下,TPR的应用更加帮助学生直观理解。

Step 2. Presentation

1.( Look at screen,shows the picture of the zoo.)

T: Today,are you happy? Where is it? Ss: The zoo.

T: Let’s go to the zoo.OK? Please tell me what animals do you know in the zoo?

S: Bird, dog,tiger,monkey,panda…

设计理念: 激情导入。由学生熟知和喜爱的小动物来引入课题,同时创设一个大情境--带领学生参观动物园看一看小动物们都具备些什么能力。引出本课的语言知识目标,之后所有的语言操练都围绕这个大的情境而展开。

Step 3. Practice

1. Listen and guess

T (show a picture):Here’s a riddle for you .“listen, what’s it? ”then show the picture “bird”

T: What can this bird do?

Ss: This bird can fly. (read it together) Show another picture.

T: “What about this picture” Ss: This bird can’t fly,

T: Yes ,but this bird can’t fly.

2. T show the picture. Fill in the blanks(can/can’t)。This fish can swim. But this fish can’t swim.

3. (Pic on screen)Discuss and report. This… can …。 But …can’t …。Ss and T read it a few times.

4. Show ppt with four pictures .

Can you image anything you want to say , working with 4 people in a group.

5. Show PPT

T: Can this bird fly?

Ss: Yes, it can. Show two pictures

T: Look!Can this monkey write?

Ss: Yes, It can

T: Can you imaging other answer, talk about your partner.

Then show it.

6. T: Everybody did a good job. let’s learn a new song.《Can you throw high in the sky》

设计理念: 拓展练习,完成任务,与学生生活实际相联系,提高语言运用能力。学习歌曲调节紧张的状态,使学生在愉快的气氛中学习,体现以学生为主体,寓教于乐的新理念。通过全方位、多方面的巩固练习,达到熟练应用。

Step 4. Consolidation and Summary

T: What have you learn today?


Step 5. Homework

Please write four dialogues using

----- This ___ can ___.

----- But this ___ can’t ___.

----- Can this ______?

--- Yes, it can. / No, it can’t.

设计理念: 运用所学语言知识向别人介绍自己或亲友的能力。简要描述能做什么不能做什么,注重社会能力,任务延伸到课后,有效激发学生持续学习英语的热情。


Module 4 Unit 2 This bird can fly.

This … can… But this … can’t …。

Can it …? Yes,it can./No,it can’t.

This bird can fly教学反思

在本节课的学习中,针对学生年级低的特点,我运用“TPR”教学方法并在教学中穿插游戏儿歌,充分调动学生的积极性。整节课学生精神状态饱满,课堂气氛活跃。在整节课的教学中,小组合作的运用,使每个学生都参与到了学习中,培养了学生团结协作、公平竞争的精神。在课堂扩展环节,学生能够将旧知与新知灵活结合、运用,培养了学生的发散思维能力以及创新能力。 不足之处在于:有的学生还是在“can”之后用ing形式。还是掌握不扎实。需要更多的练习和操练。

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