
发布时间:2017-03-16 16:58


Do You Have the Time?In English, this question hastwo different meanings.The first one is: “Do youknow what time it is?” While not uncommon, this isless frequently used than the simpler question withthe same meaning: “What time is it?”The othermeaning is: “Do you have the time (e.g. to do this orthat)?” This is a very commonly asked question,whether in American, British, or Australian English.If Iwere the editor of the Grand Encyclopedia of Excuses(a book which does not yet exist), I think that theresponse — “I don’t have the time” — would win theprize for being the most commonly used excuse, year after year.After all, it’s such aconvenient excuse.



你真的没时间吗?在英文中,“你有时间吗”(Do You Have the Time?)有两种截然不同的含义。第一种含义是“你知道现在几点吗?”虽然这种问法并不少见,但比起直接问“几点啦”(What time is it ?)用得还是比较少。第二种含义是“你有时间(做某事)吗?”这种问法在美国英语、英国英语、澳洲英语中都十分常见。假如我是《借口大辞海》(一本迄今为止还不存在的书)的编辑,我会认为“没时间”将成为历年“最常用借口”大奖的得主。毕竟,用“没时间”做借口再方便不过。

Think about how often you (and I) have used this as an explanation of why we couldn’t dosomething, take on a new task, help someone, visit someone, etc. We’ve all used this excusecountless times. Sometimes it’s a statement of fact, and let’s face it, sometimes it’s just anexcuse.The distinction here between a when it’s a statement of fact and when it’s an excuseis blurry and subjective, but deep down we each have a pretty clear idea of the difference.Inpractical terms, the lack of available time seems to be, and often is, a valid reason for why wecannot take something on. Unless, of course, we make the effort to re-arrange our time,within our abilities to do so, probably making a sacrifice of some sort in the process.“I justdon’t have the time” is — all too often — a dodge, a hedge, and a cop-out. Once we get to acertain age, when we are generally considered to be “grown-ups”, we are expected to havedeveloped improved time management skills.In many instances, “I don’t have time” has thesame meaning as “I am not willing to make time.” Sure, we’re all busy; but in the end, it’s amatter of priorities: within work, work versus family, spouse or partner, friends, community,etc.

回想一下,你(还有我本人)用“没时间”来搪塞自己为什么不能做某事、不能接新任务、不能帮助别人、不能见别人的频率有多高。我们都快把这个借口用滥了。有时候事实可能的确如此,但有时候我们必须正视它只是个借口。在这里,事实和借口的界线十分模糊,也很主观,但在内心深处,我们都非常清楚它们的不同。在现实中,缺少时间似乎是,并且经常是我们不能做某事的正当理由。当然,除非我们能在能力许可的范围内尽量重新安排时间,并在这一过程中作出某种牺牲。“我只是没时间” 在太多情况下只是一种躲闪、回避和逃离。当我们到了某个年龄,被当作是“大人”时,就要求我们具备更完善的管理时间的技能。很多时候,“我没时间”和“我不愿意花时间”意思相同。的确,我们都很忙,但归根结底还是熟轻孰重的问题,这包括在工作中,也包括在工作和家庭、伴侣和合作伙伴、朋友和社会之间。

No one gives you the time. It doesn’t grow on trees or fall from the sky like raindrops. Youmake the time, as well as most of the related decisions about what is important. The key iswhat criteria you rely on. It may be coolness, a money-making opportunity, hanging out withthe right crowd, or reaching out to people in need.If you don’t decide on the use of your time,the decision will be taken away from you. Lots of powerful magnets surround us, ready to pullour time from us like loose iron shavings off a table top. It’s really up to us to decide on how tobalance and manage time, and that’s a challenge.Another saying in English is “take your time,”which means “relax; no great rush; follow your own pace” similar to the Chinese, “慢慢来”.I see adeeper meaning to this simple phrase, which is that if you don’t take (control of) your time,someone else will do so for you. It’s a bit like a child being told “eat your food, or someone elsewill.”That does not mean we should ignore unpredictable urgent demands on our time whichcan arise, which often impinge on our ability to do other more meaningful things. But it doesmean we need to develop a clear-minded approach to prioritizing, and a disciplined approachto time management.

没有人能给你时间,时间不是树上结出的果子,也不会像雨点般从天而降。你只能自己创造时间,并对与其关系最紧密的问题,也就是事物重要性的问题做出决定。其中关键就是决策的依据,这个依据可能是酷,可能是挣钱的机会,可能是与情投意合的人结伴玩耍,也有可能是向有需要的人施以援手。如果你不支配自己的时间,那决定权就由不得你。我们身边有很多强力的磁场,会像从桌上吸走铁屑一样瞬间就吸走我们的时间。如何平衡与管理时间真的要取决于我们自己的决定,这是一个挑战。英语中有个说法叫“take your time”,意思是“放松,别着急,跟着自己的节奏走”,和中文中的“慢慢来”颇为相似。这个简单的短语让我看到一层深意,就是如果你不慢慢来(不控制时间),别人就会帮你控制。就像我们常对孩子说的:“吃你的饭,要不该被别人吃了。”这并不是说要忽略出人意料的突发事件在时间上对我们的要求,因为这种情况通常会激发我们的潜力,让我们做出更有意义的事。但是,它意味着我们必须对优先排序和时间管理有个思路清晰、条理清楚的办法。

If you consider customer relationships, how often is the root of a customer’s dissatisfactionthe perception that we were too busy to pay attention to his or her needs? This is often acore element of customer unhappiness, and part of the reason we lose customers. If youconsider friends and family relationships, how often is the root of hurt feelings the perceptionthat “so and so” has become too busy to call, visit, answer our communications, etc? Left topeople’s imagination and common fears, these feelings easily evolve into a sense of rejection,an erosion of trust, and eventually a breakdown in relationships. That is, unless we reallycare. And if we care, all it takes to avoid these speed bumps — in the workplace or elsewhere —is keeping a clear focus on priorities, and not getting swept up into the hectic pace to theextent that we begin to overlook some of the really important stuff. What helps to make “Idon’t have the time” the most common excuse of all is that we often don’t even say it out loud.We simply think it, and act on it; so the other party is left wondering what the reason for ourinattention is. That creates uncertainty, plants the seeds of doubt, and hurt feelings.


If we find that that has happened, whether at work or outside, the best antidote is to have thecourage to say “I’m sorry.” It won’t solve the whole problem, but it helps repair the initialdamage, and sets the stage for ongoing repair. If you think about your friends, colleagues andbusiness partners, it’s not difficult to divide them into two categories: those rare ones whoalways make time for you when you need them, and those common folks who mostly don’t. Inthe long run, your loyalties will naturally gravitate to those who do. Beware the world’s mostcommon excuse, whether you speak the words or just think the thought. When you look backon your life, you’ll be more appreciative of those occasions when you made the time than forthose when you seized the advantage.



We have more compromises,but less time;


Treasure Every Moment That You Have! Yesterday Is History. Tomorrow Is Mystery.


Today is a gift. That's why it's called “the present”


To realize the value of one year:


Ask a student who has failed a final exam.


To realize the value of one month:


Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.


To realize the value of one week:


Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.


To realize the value of one hour:


Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.


To realize the value of one minute:


Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.


To realize the value of one second:


Ask a person who has survived an accident.


To realaize the value of one millisecond:


Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.


Time waits for no one.


Treasure every moment you have

