小学英语作文:圣诞礼物-Christmas gifts

发布时间:2017-03-14 14:50

Have one Father Christmas in the supermarket, We see that he, dashes to over right away.

I :“Helli ,santa!Merry Chrustmas!”

Santa :“Merry Christmas!Ho!Ho!Ho!”

Santa :“What would you like for Christmas,young man? ”

I :“I don’t know.”

Santa :“Oh!Ho!Ho!Ho!Would you like a new sweater?”

I :“No…”

Santa :“a model air plane?”

I :“No…I know what I would like!”

Santa :“What?”

I :“I am said silent words by you.”

Santa:“Oh!Ho!Ho!Ho!That’s great!”



一: “ Helli ,圣诞老人!快乐Chrustmas ! ”

圣: “圣诞快乐!嗬!嗬!嗬! ”

圣诞老人: “你要什么圣诞节,年轻人? “

一: “我不知道。 ”

圣: “噢!嗬!嗬!嗬!您想要一个新的毛衣? ”

一: “不... ”

圣: “模型飞机? ”

一: “不...我知道我想! ”

圣: “什么? ”

一: “我说你沉默的话。 ”

圣: “噢!嗬!嗬!嗬!太棒了! ”

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