
发布时间:2017-04-09 00:11



第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1.The football player had ________ gift for football when he was a child. Now he is ________ second to none in the football field.

A. the; the B. the; /

C. a; the D. a; /

答案与解析 D have a gift for“对……有天赋”; second to none是固定搭配,意为“不比任何人差,最好的,首屈一指”。

2.I ________ with the disabled girl's big smile. I didn't find any pain in her face.

A. impressed B. was impressing

C. was impressed D. was to impress

答案与解析 C 句意:那个残疾女孩灿烂的笑容给我留下了深刻的印象。在她脸上我没有看到任何痛苦。be impressed with“对……有深刻的印象”。

3.The chances are small ________ you will catch the disease, as long as you wash your hands before meals.

A. that B. whether

C. where D. when

答案与解析 A you will catch the disease具体说明了chances的内容,是chances的同位语,故选that引导同位语从句。

4.You'd better put everything you need ________ easy reach when you study. Do not always bother others.

A. beyond B. within

C. near D. around

答案与解析 B 句意:你学习时最好把所需之物都放在触手可及的地方。不要总麻烦别人!within easy reach“靠近;接近”,符合句意。beyond (one's) reach“(某人)够不着”。

5.My brother preferred to sleep at home rather than ________ for a picnic with his friends.

A. went B. go

C. to go D. gone

答案与解析 B 句意:我弟弟宁愿在家睡觉也不愿意和朋友们一起去野餐。prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁愿……也不愿……”。

6.It is a Chinese ________ for elders to give children lucky money in red paper as a gift during the Spring Festival.

A. tradition B. habit

C. practice D. hobby

答案与解析 A 句意:春节的时候,长辈给孩子红包是中国的传统。tradition“传统;习俗”,符合句意。habit“习惯;习性”; practice“实践;练习”; hobby“业余爱好”。

7.— What is Mary doing now?

— She is on the phone, ________ with one of her friends.

A. to chat B. chat ting

C. chatted D. being chatted

答案与解析 B chat与逻辑主语she之间是主动关系,故用chatting作伴随状语。

8.Hearing the loud thunder, the little girl was ________ and dared not go to sleep on her own.

A. excited B. puzzled

C. terrified D. surprised

答案与解析 C 由dared not go to sleep on her own可知,小姑娘听到雷声吓坏了。terrified表示“恐惧的;受惊吓的”,符合句意。

9.After travelling to many places, Jim finally decided to ________ in a quiet village where the air is fresh.

A. set down B. put down

C. settle down D. take down

答案与解析 C 句意:在游历过许多地方以后,吉姆最后决定在一个空气清新的宁静村庄定居下来。settle down“定居”,符合句意。

10.It was the fact ________ his father was ill in hospital ________ kept him awake for the whole night.

A. which; that B. which; which

C. that; which D. that; that

答案与解析 D 第一空填that引导同位语从句,说明fact的具体内容;第二空填that与前面的It was构成强调句型。

11.— Are you worried about the result of the exam?

— Only ________.

A. absolutely B. approximately

C. slightly D. extremely

答案与解析 C slightly“稍稍地;轻微地”。由Only可知答案为slightly。absolutely“绝对地;完全地”; approximately“大约;接近”; extremely“极其地;非常地”。

12.His parents ________ to persuade him to give up his crazy plan, but the stubborn boy wouldn't.

A. tried B. failed

C. promised D. managed

答案与解析 A 由but the stubborn boy wouldn't可知,父母没能说服孩子,故只能用try表示“试图”。注意:manage to do sth.=succeed in doing sth.表示“设法成功做某事”。

13.When the patient came back to life, he found himself ________ by a group of doctors and nurses.

A. surrounding B. be surrounded

C. be surrounding D. surrounded

答案与解析 D 因himself与surround之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用动词的过去分词作宾补。

14.We tried all the possible ways ________ we could think of to solve the problem, but none of them seemed to work.

A. where B. that

C. in which D. by which

答案与解析 B that we could think of是定语从句,修饰先行词ways, that为关系代词,在从句中作宾语,可省略。

15.— Thank you for showing me the way!

— ________. I live nearby, so I am familiar with this area.

A. It's easy B. My pleasure

C. All right D. Never mind

答案与解析 B My pleasure用于对别人感谢时的回答,符合句意。It's easy (这很容易),不用于回答别人的感谢; All right (好;可以)表示同意; Never mind (不要紧,没关系)用于安慰对方或对别人道歉的应答。

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


In America, teenagers start learning how to drive at fifteen. And they are __16__ to test for their licenses at sixteen. Unfortunately, I was unable to test for my __17__ at that age.

So here I am eighteen yea rs old, and taking my test along with “children” much __18__ than I am. Today I sat in my car, just like them, __19__ because of the coming test. I tried to calm down. I told myself that __20__ I failed the first time, I could just retake it during winter break. However, I couldn't __21__ sweating (出汗). All I could think about was safety instructions my instructor told me.

The last time I felt this __22__ was in tenth grade when I was waiting for my turn to play the piano during a performance. I __23__ choking (窒息) during that performance — my sweaty fingers hit the wrong keys and the piece was __24__. I was worried the __25__ thing would happen this time.

Once the drive tester came into the __26__ and I turned onto the road, I was __27__ and felt confident. The __28__ was over in six minutes. As soon as my tester instructed me to pull into the parking lot, I was sure I had __29__. I walked into the department of licensing, and greeted my dad, who had been patiently __30__ me. Suddenly, a flood of feelings filled me. I thought about my dad who __31__ me to ride a bike when I was five. __32__ could thirteen years have passed already? Now I was driving a(n) __33__ vehicle, one that would take me farther and farther away from him.

__34__, it wasn't really about passing a test anymore. It was about not disappointing people. So maybe my license __35__ more than I think.

16.A. ordered B. forced

C. allowed D. refused

17.A. skill B. license

C. degree D. goal

18.A. younger B. shorter

C. nicer D. braver

19.A. watching B. leaving

C. shaking D. thinking

20.A. until B. though

C. as D. if

21.A. stop B. keep

C. forget D. imagine

22.A. excited B. nervous

C. sad D. serious

23.A. continue B. prefer

C. regret D. remember

24.A. praised B. played

C. ruined D. wasted

25.A. same B. opposite

C. real D. general

26.A. room B. office

C. hall D. car

27.A. in danger B. in control

C. in need D. in trouble

28.A. test B. show

C. break D. performance

29.A. changed B. failed

C. missed D. passed

30.A. worrying about B. waiting for

C. asking about D. earing for

31.A. taught B. advised

C. followed D. asked

32.A. Why B. When

C. How D. Where

33.A. perfect B. expensive

C. smaller D. faster

34.A. Usually B. Suddenly

C. Slowly D. Strangely

35.A. needs B. helps

C. means D. beats


16.C 根据文章首句teenagers start learning how to drive at fifteen可以推知,他们16岁就被“允许(allowed)”考驾照了。

17.B 文章多次出现的license提示了本题答案。

18.A 根据本句中作者的年龄eighteen years old,再结合第一段中提到的正常考驾照的年龄at sixteen可知,其他人要比作者“小(younger)”。

19.C 根据下一句中的I tried to calm down可知,作者参加考试时很紧张,因此在“发抖(shaking)”。

20.D 因为紧张,作者想平静下来,因此是安慰自己:“如果(if)”这次过不了,冬天还可以再考。

21.A 根据However一词可知,虽然作者在安慰自己,但是仍然不能“停止(stop)”出汗。

22.B 作者在第二段描述了自己紧张的状态,结合本段中对他参加钢琴表演的叙述可知,这是另外一次让他感到非常紧张的情况,故nervous符合此处语境。

23.D 因为是在回忆,所以说作者“记得(remember)”那次表演时感到窒息。

24.C 由于紧张,手指冒汗,因此作者“演砸(ruined)”了。

25.A 想到上次 失败的情形,作者担心这次再出现“同样的(same)”情况。

26.D 因为是驾照考试,所以说考试时教官上了“车(car)”。

27.B 根据本句中的and felt confident及下文中的I was sure可以看出,作者并没有失控,故in control符合此处语境。

28.A 全篇讲的主要是作者此次考驾照的经历,因此这里应该是说六分钟后“考试(test)”结束了。

29.D 根据上文可知,作者考试时很自信,表现很好,所以他确信自己“通过了(passed)”此次考试。

30.B 作者在参加考试,父亲应该是在“等着(waiting for)”他。

31.A 父亲此次的陪伴让作者想起了他五岁时父亲“教(taught)”他学骑自行车时的情形。

32.C 学骑自行车时作者才五岁,而此时已经18岁了,因此作者是在感慨“怎么(How)”就已经过去13年了呢?

33.D 汽车与自行车相比速度“更快(faster)”,也会把作者带到离父亲越来越远的地方。

34.B 见下题解析。

35.C 根据本段第二句话It was about not disappointing people可知,作者想了这么多后,“突然(Suddenly)”体会到,这不仅仅是通过一次考试的事情了,这个驾照与作者所想的相比“意味着(means)”更多的含义。

