
发布时间:2017-05-27 04:05



1. run out of用完

2. run over辗过

3. run through跑着穿过

4. all the same仍然

5. the same as和…一样

6. save one's breath不必白费劲

7. save up储蓄, 贮存

8. see … as把…看作

9. see sb. off给某人送行

10. see through看穿

11. see to (it that)务必

12. in season当令的

13. out of season不合时令的

14. send for派人去请

15. send in递送

16. send out发送

17. come to one's senses苏醒过来

18. in a sense在某种意义上

19. make sense 有意义

20. make sense of搞清…的意思

21. common sense 常识

22. set about着手工作

23. set aside搁置

24. set back使…延迟

25. set down记下

26. set forth出发

27. set free释放

28. set off启程

29. set out着手

30. set up搭建

31. be short of缺乏

32. cut short缩减

33. for short缩写

34. in short总而言之

35. run short of缺少

36. shout at冲着…大嚷

37. shout to朝…大声喊话

38. on show 被展出

39. show sb around带某人四周转转

40. show off炫耀

41. show up露面

42. side by side并肩

43. slow down慢下来

44. and so on/ forth等等

45. or so大约

46. so as to如此…以致于

47. so that如此…以致于

48. as soon as一…就

49. no sooner than一…就

50. sooner or later迟早


1. sort out挑选出

2. a sort of一种

3. all sorts of各种各样的

4. of a sort同一类,相当的

5. speak of提起

6. speak out说出

7. speak for替…讲话

8. spend…on sth.花费(时间、金钱等)在…上

9. spend…in doing sth.花费(时间、金钱)做…

10. stand for代表,象征

11. stand out突出,显眼

12. stand up站起来

13. stand up to勇敢的面对,经得起

14. start out动身,开始

15. start with首先,一开始

16. step by step逐步地

17. step in走进,干涉

18. step up提高,加快

19. take steps (to do sth.)采取行动

20. watch one's step小心谨慎,谨慎从事

21. step aside避开, 退让

22. stop doing停止干…

23. stop to do停下来干…

24. stop from阻止

25. bus stop车站

26. book store书店

27. in store储藏着,准备着

28. store away贮藏起来

29. struggle against同…作斗争

30. struggle for为…而斗争

31. struggle on继续努力

32. struggle to do sth.努力,尽力做某事

33. such as例如,诸如

34. such that如此…(以致)

35. all of a sudden 突然地

36. sudden attack突然袭击

37. be sure of对…有把握,确信

38. make sure查明,确保

39. be sure to do一定会

40. for sure当然,一定,毫无疑问

41. in surprise惊奇地

42. take…by surprise 使…吃惊

43. to one’s surprise令人吃惊的是

44. take after与…相像

45. take along随身带着

46. take as把…作为

47. take away清除,拿走

48. take down 写下,记下

49. take in吸收,领会

50. take off脱下,起飞


1. pull out度过难关

2. pull up停下

3. on purpose 故意地

4. with/for the purpose of 为了

5. push in鲁莽地插话;插手

6. push off走开;离开

7. put aside放在一边

8. put away放好

9. put down拒绝

10. put forward提出

11. put off推迟

12. put on张贴

13. put out伸出

14. put …to use应用

15. put up举起

16. put up with容忍

17. in question被讨论的

18. out of question毫无疑问

19. out of the question不可能

20. on the radio 在广播中

21. reach an conclusion 得出结论

22. get ready for为…做好准备

23. by reason of 由于

24. with/ in regard to关于

25. regard … as 把…看作

26. regret doing sth. 后悔(对已经做的事情)

27. regret to do sth.遗憾(对将要做的事情)

28. remember doing sth.记得以前做过某事

29. remember to do sth.记住要去做的事情

30. as a result 结果

31. as a result of由于,作为…的结果

32. result in 导致

33. result from 起因于

34. in return作为报答,作为回报

35. in return for作为对…的报答

36. be rich in含有丰富的

37. get rid of去除

38. rid sb. of sth.使某人摆脱某物

39. give rise to引起,为…的原因

40. make room for为…腾出空位

41. take root 扎根

42. root out根除,杜绝

43. be not all roses不尽如人意,不尽善尽美

44. play the role of扮演…的角色;起…作用

45. as a rule通常

46. break the rule违反规则

47. rule out排除在外

48. run down撞倒

49. run into撞上

50. run off逃跑
