
发布时间:2017-05-27 04:05





Working in Canada during your studies

As an international student, you can work in Canada on- or off-campus for up to 20 hours per week during term time (and full-time during semester breaks) without the need for a work permit, as long as you meet the following criteria:

-You have a valid study permit.

-You’re a full-time student.

-You’re enrolled at a designated learning institution at the post-secondary level or, in Quebec, a vocational program at the secondary level.

-You’re studying in an academic, vocational or professional training program which is at least six months in duration and leads to a degree, diploma or certificate.

-You have a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN) (read more on this below).

-You must stop working as soon as you no longer meet any of these requirements, for example if you stop being a full-time student.









Working as a co-op student or intern

You’ll need a work permit as well as a study permit if you’re studying an academic, professional or vocational training program at a designated learning institution that involves work experience such as a co-op program or internship. To apply for this work permit, you’ll need to prove that your work experience is crucial for completing your program (this proof could be in the form of a letter from your university or a copy of the curriculum). The work experience cannot take up more than 50% of your total study program. You’re not eligible to apply for the co-op work permit if you’re studying English or French as a second language (ESL/FSL), or taking part in general interest or preparatory courses.




Working in Canada after graduating

Your Canadian study permit will expire 90 days after graduation, so if you’d like to stay and seek work in Canada after graduating, you’ll need to apply for a work permit under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) within this time. This allows you to gain post-graduation work experience that can help you qualify for permanent residence through Express Entry. You can apply for this if you studied continuously full-time for at least eight months.

If you’ve studied in Canada for more than eight months but less than two years, your work permit will be valid for the same length of time as your studies. If you studied for two years or more, your work permit will be valid for three years.

The other eligibility requirements of the PGWPP are:

-You must be 18 or over.

-You must have a valid study permit before applying.

-You must have completed and passed your study program and have a written confirmation, such as a transcript, that proves you’re eligible to be awarded your degree, diploma or certificate.

-You graduated from a public or private post-secondary institution.

To apply for the post-graduation work permit, you should first read the guide and documents checklist. You can apply online or via mail, answering all the questions carefully and truthfully and paying the application fees. Your passport must be valid for longer than the duration of the work permit you are applying for.


你的加拿大学习许可证在你毕业90天之后就会过期失效,所以如果你想在毕业之后留在加拿大并且找到一份工作,那么你就需要在这段时间内申请大专毕业工作许可计划(PGWPP)下的工作许可。这个工作许可能够让你获得毕业之后的工作经验,从而帮助你通过加拿大快速移民通道(Express Entry)获得永久居留资格。如果你持续至少八个月的全日制学习,那么你就能够申请这个工作许可。








Becoming a Canadian permanent resident with Express Entry

If you’d like to stay to work in Canada as a permanent resident, you may be able to immigrate as a skilled worker through the Express Entry program. International students who have graduated in Canada are likely to already have many of the qualities needed for permanent residency – including English and/or French proficiency, familiarity with Canadian society, and qualifying work experience. You can check your eligibility for the Express Entry program here.

To apply, you’ll need to complete an Express Entry profile, providing information about your identity, employment skill level, language test results, work experience and any family members who would join you in Canada. If you don’t already have a job offer or a nomination from a province or territory at this stage, you must apply for the Government of Canada’s Job Bank, an online job search tool which connects eligible skilled candidates with Canadian employers and jobs.

You should update your Express Entry profile if your situation changes, for example if you get a different language test result or there are changes to your work experience/education.

After you’ve applied for Express Entry, your profile will be ranked against others, using the points-based Comprehensive Ranking System. Points are given for factors such as a valid job offer, previous study in Canada, French/English language skills and nominations by a province or territory.

The highest-ranking candidates receive an invitation to apply for permanent residence within 90 days. If you do not receive this invitation, you can stay in the pool of applicants for up to 12 months, and can re-enter the pool with a new profile after this time.

Your job offer may require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). This is acquired by Canadian employers to support your job offer by showing that no Canadian worker is available for the role. However, some job offers are exempt from this.

通过加拿大快速移民通道(Express Entry)成为加拿大永久居民

如果你想要以一名加拿大永久居民的身份留在加拿大工作,你可能能够通过加拿大快速移民通道项目以技术移民的身份移民加拿大。在加拿大大学毕业的国际学生可能已经满足了很多的永久居住权所需的要求——包括英语和/或法语熟练程度,熟悉加拿大的社会情况,并且满足工作经验要求。你可以了解清楚你是否有资格申请加拿大快速移民通道(Express Entry)。




排名最高的候选人会收到邀请在90天内申请永久居留权。如果你没有收到这个邀请,你可以在申请人池里保留最多12 个月的时间,并且在这段时间之后可以用新的加拿大快速移民通道档案再一次进入申请人池。

你的工作邀请可能需要劳动力市场影响评估 (LMIA)。这个需要加拿大雇主支持你的工作邀请,显示没有加拿大籍的工人适合这一工作角色。但是,有一些工作邀请可以豁免这一要求。

Social Insurance Number (SIN)

The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit number you’ll need in order to work in Canada or receive benefits and services from government programs. To apply, international students need to provide their original study permit, which must state that they “may accept employment” or “may work” in Canada. If your study permit doesn’t have any of these conditions or remarks, you must contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to find out if you are eligible to apply for an amended study permit.

If your study permit clearly states that you are not permitted to work in Canada, this may change if you change your program of study. In this case, you must apply to change the conditions of your study permit and pay the appropriate fee.


(加拿大政府用于识别身份等的)社会保险号码是一个九位数的号码,你凭借这个社会保险号码才能在加拿大工作,或者获得政府的福利和服务。如果你想要申请社会保险号码,国际留学生需要提供他们的原始学习许可,必须表明他们在加拿大“可能接受就业”或者“可能工作”。如果你的学习许可证没有任何这些条件或者备注,你必须联系加拿大移民、难民和公民局(IRCC) ,来了解清楚你是否有资格更改你的学习许可。


Student visa and application fees

In order to study in Canada, you will need to obtain a Canadian study permit, which serves as a Canadian student visa for the duration of your stay. You do not need a Canadian study permit if your course or program lasts six months or less. Applying for a study permit costs CA$150 (~US$110).

Fees to apply to universities in Canada will vary depending on the university and your country of origin. For example, the University of British Columbia charges Canadian students (and permanent residents, refugees and diplomats) CA$98.25 (~US$75) and international students CA$159 (~US$120). You may be able to get this fee waived if you are an international student from a developing country.

You should also remember that it is compulsory to purchase health insurance while studying in Canada. This will cost approximately CA$600 (~US$450) per year.


如果你想在加拿大留学,你将需要获得加拿大学习许可,这个是你在加拿大留学期间的“加拿大学生签证”。如果你的课程或者项目的持续时间为六个月或者更短,那么你将不需要获得加拿大学习许可。申请学习许可证的费用为150加元 (约合110美元)。

申请加拿大大学的费用会因你所申请的大学以及你的原籍国的不同而不同。例如,英属哥伦比亚大学向加拿大本国学生(以及加拿大永久居民、难民和外交人士) 收取98.25加元 (约合75美元) 的申请费,向国际留学生收取159加元 (约合120美元)的申请费。如果你是一名来自发展中国家的国际学生的话,这比费用可以被免除。

你同样还需要谨记,在加拿大留学期间会被强制性要求购买医疗保险,这笔费用大约为600加元(约合450美元) 每年。







