美国耶鲁大学法学院华裔教授蔡美儿(Amy Chua)的新书《虎妈战歌》(The Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother)记录了她用严格的中式教育方法培养孩子的经历,引起了美国《时代》周刊等全球媒体关于东西方教育观念的讨论,其中的焦点之一是:“教育是否应该是快乐的?”
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A debate heated up recently, thanks to Amy Chua’s book about a Chinese “tiger mother”. In her latest book entitled “The Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother”, Amy describes how she adopt s traditional Chinese methods to educate her children, which is considered by many westerners to be too hard and inhuman.
One of the issues being discussed after the book was published is whether early education should focus on children’s happiness. Those supporting the idea argue that early education is intended to help children grow up in a cheerful atmosph ere and inspire them to better themselves in an all-round way. Therefore we should allow children to enjoy the happiness which can only be found during their childhood. On the contrary, people holding the opposite view insist that since in reality life is full of happiness and pain, children should be well prepared for that even during childhood. Otherwise, they would find it hard to adapt to life in the future.
In my opinion, just as Confucius said, education methods should be adopted based on individual personalities. Moreover, educators should respect children as independent human beings.
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