Life and Song 生活和歌唱

发布时间:2017-03-14 17:36

Life and Song


If life were caught by a clarionet, 如果生活与乐管同奏,

And a wild heart, throbbing in the reed, 狂热的心和簧片共振;

Should thrill its joy and trill its fret,


And utter its heart in every deed, 全然是心灵的颤动。

Then would this breathing clarionet 当呼吸与簧管同步,

Type what the poet fain would be; 诗人将欣然命笔;

For none o' the singers ever yet 尽管没有一个歌手,

Has wholly lived his minstrelsy, 用他毕生吟唱。

Or clearly sung his true, true thought, 或纯粹唱他真实的思考,

Or utterly bodied forth his life, 或完全唱他生命之形体,

Or out of life and song has wrought 或唱生命的消逝,

The perfect one of man and wife; 或唱一个男人和妻子完美的功绩

Or lived and sung, that Life and Song 生活和歌唱,生命与歌,

Might each express the other's all,一切都可以彼此表达,

Careless if life or art were long 要是生命或艺术被长期忽视,

Since both were one, to stand or fall: 那么好坏都一样:

So that the wonder struck the crowd, 所以群众创造奇迹,

Who shouted it about the land: 他们唤醒了土地:

His song was only living aloud, 他的歌仅仅是高亢一曲的生活,

His work, a singing with his hand! 他的劳作就是他用手唱出的歌!

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