摘要:每逢闰年的2月29日是英国女性的求爱日,在这一天女性可以摆脱世俗的偏见,大胆地向自己心仪的情人求爱. 你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
Collins, a specialist in medieval British history, says Queen Margaret was only 5 years old and living in Norway when she supposedly enacted the law and that she died at age 7 without ever ruling Scotland."It is not a genuine law, and I do not know who invented the story," he says in an email.
But the account of women being given the "privilege" to propose to their sweethearts on a leap year persists. The story even began circulating on Chinese micro blogs in the weeks leading up to Feb 29 - supposedly the best date for such a proposal.