
发布时间:2017-05-03 12:46




The Wind and The Sun

The wind and the sun decided to have a bet. The wind knew that the sun had no strength and believed that he could win. "I'm the best in the world." "Mr. Wind, why don't you and I find out who is the stronger one."

The Wind and The Sun

Just then a traveler was walking by. "Why don't we find out who could first take off that man's jacket." The sun confidently suggested. "Fine."

The wind confidently, with all his strength began to blow. Just then the clear blue sky and the sun was no where to be seen and only the wind began to blow. The traveler tucked his jacket in closer and said, "Why is it so cold all of a sudden?" The stronger the wind blew, the traveler pulled his jacket closer and closer to him.

"Whew, I'm so cold where has the sun gone to? If this keeps up, I'm going to fly off." The traveler stopped and tucked in his jacket even more.

The sun arrived with a big smile on his face. "Now it is my turn." The sun beamed his warm sunlight. The exhausted wind stepped back.

The traveler wiped his sweat and said, "Just a little while ago, the wind was blowing strongly how is it all of a sudden, the sun is shining down." The traveler took off his jacket and threw it down.

The sun gave a big smile and said, "Wind, there are something in his world that can't be done by strength alone." The boastful wind was so embarrassed that he ran off.


The Crow and the Water Bottle

It was a scorching hot summer day. One crow was very thirsty. "I'm so thirsty." The thirsty crow roamed around looking for water. After flying for a long time, the crow found a water bottle in one of the farmer's yard. The crow was so happy that he was able to have a drink.

The crow put his beak into the bottle. However, because the bottle was so long, he was not able to reach the water. The crow was exhausted.

'Should I go some other place for a drink?' He thought. However, because his wings were damage, he was not able to move. "What shall I do?"

The crow flew round and round the farmer's yard, and thought. "Sure, that's what I will do." The crow had an idea.

With all his strength, the crow started picking up stones. "One, two." He did this several times until the bottle was filled with stones. Then the crow drank a lot of water. Finally, the crow had enough strength to fly again.


The Fox and the Monkey that Became a King

Once upon a time, the animals gathered together and had a meeting in the woods. Their meeting was about 'Who gets to become the king?' However, they could not come to a conclusion easily.

After a long period of time, a rabbit suggested, "How about if the best dancer becomes the king?" "Yeah, that sounds good," agreed the other animals. Therefore, each animal came out in turn and danced eagerly. Nevertheless, there was no other animal who could dance as good as the flexible monkey.

Animals gave the monkey a clap. "Wow! The monkey dances the best. Let's crown the monkey as our king." As a result, the monkey became the king. After the monkey became king, a cunning fox got jealous. 'How can such a stupid animal become king? None sense!'

One day, the fox found a snare with a piece of meat on it while walking around. The fox carefully picked up the snare and took it to the monkey king.

"My lord! I discovered a treasure. It is magnificent." "Really? Bring it to me quickly." The monkey was so excited that he approached the snare carelessly.

And the monkey fell into the snare. "Snap!" "Ouch!" shouted the monkey with surprise. The monkey realized he got caught in a trap and blamed the fox. "You deceived me. What a bad fox!"

Then, the fox laughed at the monkey and said, "You stupid monkey! How embarrassing it is for us to have such a fool like you as a king!"

After saying that, the fox disappeared. The monkey became the laughingstock of other animals for behaving without thinking carefully.
