雅思大作文范文三篇 法律与犯罪类

发布时间:2017-03-17 11:29

雅思写作是雅思考试中非常重要的一部分,同时也是广大考友们必须攻克的一大难关。下面是小编整理的一些雅思考试大作文范文, 希望对大家有帮助。


crimes undermine human society. reasons forcommitting a crime are varied and complex, so wecould not say that violation of law is just humannature and that people’s tendency to break the lawcould be stopped when they are young.

we are still not sure what causes people tocommit a crime. the reason seems to be clear incases in which a thief steals money to make a livingor buy things normally unaffordable. many thieves,when caught and interviewed, reveal that they come from poor families and have very littleeducation. therefore we could establish a relation between less privileged family background andlow level of education. many people used to believe that parents could teach their children theharms of wrongdoing by showing them the consequences of such action and the obligationof complying with social norms. such method works for most children who are aware of whatthey are doing and what would happen from their action. but we also learn from news or othersources that many high-level officials take bribes or abuse power for their own benefit. suchpeople with high income and good education clearly know what they are doing and the possibleconsequences. such crimes would not have happened if tendency to commit crimes could bestopped when people were young.

moreover, we know that people tend to act for their own benefit, but we do not know ifthis is due to human nature or other causes such as ideas learned later in life. if it is humannature, people live in faraway places without much education would commit crimes at a higherrate than people with schooling in cities. by contrast, people in remote places are more honestand kind, and the crime rate is significantly lower than that in city. from such evidence, wecould not conclude that the above assertion is true.

while we continue to explore what causes crime and how to prevent it, we need to bear inmind that it is far more complex than we normally think. accordingly, measures for crimeprevention should also be multidimensional.

to sum up, the conclusion that it is human nature to commit crime and that people’stendency to break the law could be stopped when they are young is not well supported. peoplebecome criminals for many reasons and we should adopt more effective methods for crimeprevention.

雅思大作文范文三篇 法律与犯罪类


Nowhere in the world has the issue of tobaccobeen so much debated as in our society. Nowadays,tobacco is more harmful than drug to people’shealth, therefore many people think that smoking islegal that is a direct andprimary reason to inducethis kind of problem. The above point is certainlytrue; this essay will outline three reasons.

The main reason is that tobacco is a silent killerto smokers. Tobacco is known to be the probablecause of some 25 different diseases, and forsome,such as lung cancer, bronchitis and emphysema, it is the main cause. According to a WHOreport four million people die yearly from tobacco-related diseases, that is one death everyeight seconds. Tobacco is significantly becoming a greater cause of death and disability thanany other single cause.

Another reason is that more and more young people are under 18 years old who smokecigarette have been blinded by the deceit of tobacconists. Tobacco among adolescents remainsstubbornly persistent. Smoking among adolescents rose in the 1990s in several developedcountries,such as China,Vietnam and Thailand . While new markets are being opened by thetobacco industry actions, old markets have not been closed. Tobacco is a global threat.

Last but not the least reason is the increase in cigarette smuggling. Becauseof tobaccosmuggling, the legal retailing and distribution systems are badly affected, and faced withincreased lawlessness and heavy tax losses. This behavior severely affects the economy.

In conclusion, the tobacco should be considered illegal. Perhaps a pack of cigarettes isless harmful than another drug, but tobacco is actually the biggest killer of all thedrugs.


Advertisements of tobacco and those of“smoking is harmful”are often seentogether.But there has been an on-going argument about whether or not tobacco should be forbiddenand made illegal. I have always believed that smoking should be illegal for the followingreasons.

First, smoking does great harm to human health and causes many diseases. It is reportedthat more than 70% of lung cancer sufferers are smokers, andthe average life-span of smokersis seven years less than that of non-smokers. Moreover, it hurts not only smokers, but also theones around the smokers. Many researchers claim that breathing“second-hand smoke”maybeeven more harmful than smoking.

Second, many social problems and disasters can be attributed to smoking. For instance,many wives cannot bear their husbands’smoking all the time,which causes many quarrels, oreven divorces. Furthermore, the biggest firedisaster in China, the Daxinganling fire disaster,was caused by a burning cigarette end, and the cost of the resulting loss wasunimaginable.Last, smoking tobaccos is a main source of air pollution.A magazine said thatforevery cigarette smoked each day,a whole tree is needed to clean the air.In other words,smoking one less cigar every day equals planting a tree. It is a brilliant contribution to theearth we are living on.

In a word, all the above demonstrate that smoking harms yourselves as wellas yourneighbors, pollutes the air we ourselves are breathing, and even agitates the social peace. So,in my opinion, tobacco should be strictly forbidden, and smoking should be made illegal.

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