雅思考试大作文范文3篇 交通类

发布时间:2017-03-17 11:29



The argument that the flights should berestricted is invalid. Clearly, it is unconvincing tocompare the volume of pollutants an airplaneproduces with that generated by an automobile,because an airplane is shared by many passengers while an automobile is usually for one or, atthe best, several passengers.

Suppose a visitor drives 1,000 miles, burning 100 liter gasoline and emitting 10 cubicmeter carbon dioxide, this very passenger is totally responsible for such an environmentproblem. But to what extent should another passenger, who travels the same distance by air,take environment responsibility? If the airplane consumes 10,000 liter gasoline and produces1000 cubic meter carbon dioxide and if altogether 300 passengers share the flight, thentraveling by air causes less environmental damage.

Another thing must also be in the list of consideration: the time. Traveling by air savestime. The point is that even if traveling by automobiles consumes less energy and produces lesspollutants, traveling by air has a variety of reasons. For instance, a patient is transported byair from where she is injured to the hospital.

The opponents might argue that this is not the “unnecessary flights”. Nevertheless it isambiguous and vague to use such a term. How to define an “unnecessary” flight? Is therea legal or generally accepted criterion against which the feature of a flight can be clearly andcorrectly labeled as “necessary” or “unnecessary”? Nay.

Therefore, the argument mentioned in the topic is neither logically sound nor practicallysignificant.

雅思考试大作文范文3篇 交通类


The progress of transport industry is inevitableand undeniable. What is under controversy iswhether the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. To be frank, I am in high favorthat we are well aware of the traffic problem.

In my point of view, a possible cause of the problem is that we lack the infrastructureconstruction. Also the overpopulation is the cause of this problem, especially in China.Although the growth of the transport is rapid, it still can not meet the increasing needs ofpeople. Furthermore, people abuse the private cars to take public transport instead, whichcaused more cars put into use. Lastly, individuals are also responsible for this problem. Peopleare lacking in consciousness and awareness for traffic situation in order. Sometimes, peopledrive after drinking, which causes more traffic accidents.

The solution, I think, is for government to inject more funds into the construction ofinfrastructure, increase more construction, such as the restructuring of metro system,elevated ways, Pearl line, and superhighway. Also government should levy heavy tax onluxurious products, and encourage people to use bus service instead of private cars. Toindividuals, we may establish the family planning to control the growth of the population.Furthermore, we should publicize the importance of obeying the traffic regulations amongpeople by education, and form the civil health lifestyle.

To conclude, with the joint effort of people and governments, I am sure the trafficproblems will be improved.


Whether stricter punishments is the only way toprevent accidents from happening on roads hastriggered a controversial debate Attitudes towardsthis issue vary greatly. It is wiser to take a closerlook at both sides before I present my opinion.

Advocates firmly believe that it is sensible toimpose stricter penalty on those who break thetraffic rules. Drivers will be more careful when theyconsider the punishment hard to afford. As the fineis not high,it is not deterrent . According to a survey , among the drivers questioned , 65% ofthem admit that they pay more attention to driving if more serious punishments are carried out.

Opponents, however, hold the view that there are other aspects which can decrease thefrequency of accidents. Firstly, road constructions should be more rational. Nowadays, moreand more roads and highways are being built, but some of them were not designedappropriately, which sometimes cause traffic accidents. Secondly, pedestrians should heightentheir safety awareness while crossing the roads . Some pedestrians disobey rules andregulations, which should assume the responsibilities of accidents and be penalized. The lastbut not least, the growing amount of private cars is a contributing factor, the governmentshould put forward some feasible means to control the number of cars ., such as imposinghigher tax or limiting the cars running on roads at rush hours .

As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter view. Only stricter punishment is notinsufficient access to decrease accidents., other methods should be enforced simultaneously, such as reinforcing supervising and setting digital camera on roads.

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