close up是什么意思

发布时间:2017-06-01 18:27

close up的中文是什么意思?下面是小编给大家整理的close up是什么意思,供大家参阅!

close up是什么意思

(使) 闭合; 堵塞(某物); (使) 关店; <非正>沉默;

close up英英释义

close up

n. a photograph taken at close range

同义词: closeup


cease to operate or cause to cease operating

同义词: close fold shut down close down

block passage through

同义词: obstruct obturate impede occlude jam block

unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of

同义词: close

refuse to talk or stop talking; fall silent

同义词: clam up dummy up shut up belt up button up be quiet keep mum

adv. very close

同义词: at close range

close up 的英语例句

1、Do not close up your heart.


2、Or will you close up like a shell and torture your partner with inconsolable silence?


3、Or will you close up like a shell and torture your partner with inconsolable silence?


4、As a self-employed businessowner, you'll have to go in and give it your best effort no matterhowyou feel or close up shop if you don't have employees who can fill in.


5、I think it was Charlie Chaplin who said that close up, human life is tragic, but from a distance, it’s funny.


6、Close up, they shine sort of like opal, and they taste like sweet sweet sesame.


7、He never thought he would see anything like that – when viewed really close up our eyes looklike some dramatic surfaces of far and unknown planets.


8、Close up, she could see his chiseled face, a small cleft in his chin.


9、ConocoPhillips ( COP, news, msgs) is going to simply close up shop, liquidate its assets anddistribute them to shareholders.


10、In July, when one of her two remaining clients forgot about a meeting — and then blamed Ms.Kero for not reminding her about it — she decided to close up shop.


11、Britain's Royal Air Force chiefs are preparing to cut 10000 staff and close up to 5 large airbases, The Times reported.


12、When asked more about what he finds great about Lean, Jim said this to close up ourconversation


13、They close up their callous hearts, and their mouths speak with arrogance .


14、How about staying around and helping me close up shop?


15、I've seen that rifle close up. Have you?


16、I'd like to inform you that the computer system of our company will close up by the end of nextWedsday for boosting the effeciency of that mechanism.


17、She stepped close up; her black eyes flashing with passion and resolution.


18、None of us carried keys; the last one in for the evening would close up, and that was it.


19、None of us carried keys; the last one in for the evening would close up, and that was it.


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