
发布时间:2017-05-11 15:07



有关于简单的英语笑话:An Eye-Opener

Yesterday Charles met his old schoolmate Joe and congratulated him on his recent marriage. When Charles asked about the difference between a fiancee(未婚妻) and a wife, he said, "When she was my fiancee, I saw only a part of her. When she is my wife, I see the whole of her."

"So love is blind, and marriage is an eye-opener," Charles commented.

有关于简单的英语笑话:Phone Book

Once a blonde went to the library to get a book. A few days later, she returns and says tolibrarian(图书管理员) at the counter, "This book was very boring. It had too many characters and too many numbers, so I would like to return it."

The librarian says to the other librarian, "So here is the person who took our phone book!"

有关于简单的英语笑话:The Weary Housewife

The housewife answered the phone and listened with relief to the voice in her ear. "How are you, dear? What kind of day are you having?" "Oh, mom, the baby won't eat, the washing machine is broke, I've not been able to get out of the house to shop, I twisted my ankle and have been hobbling around. On top of that, the house is a mess and we're supposed to have two couples over for dinner tonight." "Now dear, just stay calm. Sit down, relax, close your eyes, and I'll be over in 1/2 hour. I'll do the shopping, clean up the house, and cook your dinner for you. I'll take care of the baby when I get there and call a repairman I know who'll get the washing machine fixed. In fact, I'll call George at the office and tell him he ought to come home and help out for once." "George? Who's George?" "Why, that's your husband, dear." "Mom, I don't have a husband." "Is this 234-5678?" "Uh, no, it's not. I think you have a wrong number." The housewife paused. "Uhhh, does this mean you're not coming over?"

有关于简单的英语笑话:I'll never understand wome

Max sat at the bar totally dejected(沮丧的) . The bartender(酒保) served him his second drink and said, "What's wrong pal?"

"I'll never understand women." Max said. "The other night my wife threw me a birthday party. She told me that later on, as her gift to me, I could do with her whatever I wanted."

"Wow!" said the bartender. "But why so unhappy? That sounds like quite a gift to me."

"Well," Max went on, "I thought about it and sent her home to her Mother. Now she won't even speak to me."

有关于简单的英语笑话:Respectable Boyfriend

Mother to daughter: "What kind of person is your new boyfriend? Is he respectable(值得尊敬的) ?"

"Of cause he is, Mom. He's thrifty(节约的,茂盛的) , doesn't drink or smoke, has a very nice wife and three well-behaved children."
