
发布时间:2017-02-16 14:40




Once upon a time, there lived a king and queen, they were very rich, but they had no children, the queen was very sad. In one morning, the queen's window box lay a child, but the child is a small donkey head. But the king and the queen is very love him, give him the best meal, wear their finest clothes. One day, the little donkey heard beautiful music, decided to learn to play the piano, he learned very quickly, the last also can pop up the beautiful music.

One day, the little donkey go out for a walk, came to a kingdom, it didn't open the door. So he sat down, and pop up voice.

The king heard this, they were the little donkey, please come to the king's palace, the small donkey piano well, very polite to people. The king like him very much. So he put his favorite daughter married to the small donkey.

In the evening, the princess found the little prince donkey is a good, the original prince wearing a donkey skin dress.

So the king secretly call people have lost the prince donkey skin dress, by the next morning, the prince couldn't find his donkey leather clothes, from then on, he no longer look like little donkey.

The king gave the whole kingdom prince, the prince and the princess live a happy life.


One day, a fox sent an invitation card to crane.

"The evening meal under, please."

"Wow! It's rare! Mr. Fox will prepare what stuff I please?"

Cranes are glad to forward to the fox's house. "Ah! Mr Crane, welcome!

Welcome. Please don't mention it! "

The fox out of the stuff only in the big flat soup.

"I most like to drink soup! Thank you!"

Crane would like to drink soup, but, because he has a long mouth, so with great effort, also can smell. The dish soup, not a drop to drink.

But the fox what you've just finished the soup guru to suddenly. And before laughing, feel very interesting.

"True not enough meaning, you're playing tricks on me!" Crane hate hate went home.

Soon, the crane also send invitation to the fox.

"Treat in the evening, you must come oh!

The fox is a glutton.

"What kind of food?" The fox secretly thinks.

Even not long ago, the fox also forget all about, the in the mind to the crane's home happily.

"Mr. Fox, welcome! Welcome! Don't mention it, although use!"

Crane took out the things what is it? Turned out to be in the soup in the thin neck bottles!

"Thanks!" Fox will beak into the bottle, but how also can not eat a mouthful of soup, can only smell the delicious taste, the crane will be long mouth easily stretch near the bottom of the bottle with relish to eat!

The fox stomach bad is bad, but one also can not eat food.


Once upon a time there was a small sparrow, one day, by chance, it flew from sheep bar, see the sheep in and out, packed, very lively. Sparrow is curiosity, attracted by the lively, then fell on the observation on a tree near the sheep sheep column. At the same time, a tragedy, a large strong eagle swooped down from the sky, suddenly to off guard, burst into a flock of sheep, suddenly grabbed a newborn lambs, then ascended up and enron.

This sudden, dramatic and sparrow was exciting, sparrow saw all this, first a surprised, and then feel quite interesting, and the inside of the heart envy in goshawk mood, think that the eagle as birds, can grasp beasts fly to heaven, and is too great. Little sparrows inside heart want to, I also want to like the eagle, the eagle can do, I can do it too!

Thought of here, sparrow spread its wings and fly to sky, and then dive down towards the sheep, alight upon a large sheep. It hasn't been established in sheep body, with little bird claw, tried to grab the thick fuzz on a sheep, the sheep caught the sky!

But, instead, his little sparrow grabbed large sheep! Not only that, because this only big sheep sheep on the roll, bar the mud body touch some mud, make wool dirty. Son of phlegm, sparrow PAWS into muddy wool rested, was caught on the wool to, the more it hard struggle, the more be to tight, make it difficult to get away.

Sparrow, has attracted the attention of the shepherd. Just now, he watched a big eagle gave away his beloved little lamb, the in the mind very sad, very hate; Is he is anger, and see little sparrow to imitate the big goshawk, trying to give away his big sheep, which was mad, ran into the sheep indignantly, column, grabbed the sparrow is struggling, unplug it feathers on its wings, legs tied it with a thread, let your children play tearing when he was a little. Children playing tired, and asked the shepherd said:

"Dad, what is this?"

Shepherds with scornful tone, said: "it's a little thieves, it tried to imitate than eagle deprived of its ability, the result is a trap. Take the consequences."

The crow tell the story of the sparrow imitate goshawk, using alert tone to "said the fox.

"Fox ah, you are used to playing with the wrist, full of intrigue. Once again, I want to warn you, I hope you don't blindly imitate gao qiang people than you, so that fire, since the consequences. This is my last advice to you, you better themselves, stick to go home!"

The fox always can not get the trust of the crow, much less close to each other, shaking with anger, fire emit three zhangs.

Raven saw the fox angrily. The appearance of teeth, heard it not. Sad voice of the cry, then asked:

"The fox, you are resourceful, what you met difficult things, now also worried. Crying?"

"Alas!" Fox assumed a helpless sighed, "I thought this world I, even I, am the most intelligent. Most use stratagem, not to miss you more cunning than me. Snake."

Say that finish after, bewail the fox, frustrating to leave this place.
