中文: 大枣
(红枣)Chinese-date; [中药] Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae ;
Study on Microwave Intensified Extraction of Jujube Polysaccharid

The detection of cAMP in the jujube by HPLC was studied.
Research on extraction and purification of jujube polysaccharide
A study of techingues of afforesting bigfruit dates on nude rocky mountains
Study on hypobaric storage affecting softening of the jujube in the west of Liaoning
Then on this basis, it analyzes the declining causes of Guangyang Zizyphus jujuba's production.
1. Ming to a big hill jujube sweet, nutrient - rich known. 鸣山大枣以个大味甘 、 营养丰富著称.
2. State Forestry Department in 1993 named " Chinese jujube town. " 1993年国家林业部命名 “ 中国大枣之乡 ”.
3. Objective To evaluate the antidepressant effect of Ganmai DazaoDecoction. 目的探讨甘麦大枣合百合地黄汤的抗抑郁作用.
4. ConclusionThe way of the compound neutral protease extraction is effectiveand reasonable. 结论中性蛋白复合酶法提取大枣多糖工艺有效可行.
5. The detection of cAMP in the jujube by HPLC was studied. 采用HPLC法对大枣提取液中的环腺苷酸(cAMP)含量进行测定.
6. Red dates, also known as Chinese date, jujube large. 红枣, 又名大枣 、 大红枣.
7. Shihmen date a big windfall, ruddy color of beautiful, small nuclear Rouhouthin, sweet tastes refreshing. 石门大枣个大饱满 、 色泽红润艳丽 、 核小肉厚皮薄 、 吃起来甘甜爽口.
8. The variety of fruits is also remarkable, such as famous Chinese date,hawthorn, apple and peach. 林果品种也很多, 大枣 、 山楂 、 苹果、桃等久负盛名.
9. Zanhuang date in 1994 won the National Forestry, special, superior productexposition gold medal. 赞皇大枣1994年荣获全国林业名 、 特 、 优产品博览会金奖.
10. Objective : To discuss the contents of trace elements of in jujube and jujubeLaoling Shandong. 目的: 探讨山东乐陵产金丝小枣和大枣中微量元素的含量.
11. Forestry in 2001 by the Office of the county as a base date. 2001年被省林业厅定为大枣基地县.
12. This paper systematically analyzes the factors of ecological geologyinfluencing the Chinese date quality. 系统分析了影响大枣品质的生态地质因素.
13. This paper gives an introduction to a new measurement by extractingamylase from of the date. 该文主要论述了大枣中提取物“多糖”的测定方法,并对多糖的测定结果的影响因素进行了分析和探讨.
14. Big jujube, is water of lotus seed red pond helpful to low blood pressure? 大枣, 莲子红塘水对低血压有帮助 吗 ?
15. Conclusion The soft capsule possesses the function of antiradiation andantifatigue function in mice. 结论以肉苁蓉、刺五加、大枣为主要原料的软胶囊具有抗疲劳、抗辐射作用.
16. Hu Mulberry sericulture, axillaris access date, three - dimensional orchardplanting technique has been mastered by the masses. 胡桑养蚕 、 酸枣接大枣 、 果园 立体 种植技术已被群众所掌握.
17. Construemt Monosaccharides of polysaccharides Chinese red dates ( JDP - N and JDP - A ) was studied by HPLC. 用高效液相色谱法研究了大枣多糖的单糖组成.
18. The main produces are walnut, persimmon, chestnut, jujube, pine, silk andso on. 主要土特产有核桃仁 、 柿饼 、 板栗 、 大枣 、 松籽 、 蚕丝等.