濒临绝种动物法 Endangered Species Act
濒临灭绝的动物 Endangered Animals ; Endangered
濒临绝种的动物 Atlas of Animals in Danger
十大濒临灭绝的动物 Ten Species on the Brink
大多数濒临灭绝的动物 the most endangered animals
Under the Endangered Species Act, the status of "endangered" requires the government to assess the impact of greenhouse gases on the bears' Arctic homelands.
Now biological diversity sharply declines and many medical species is endangered, which seriously inhibit the sustainable development of traditional Chinese medicine industry.
However the licence to import the endangered animals will be subject to a number of conditionsto ensure their welfare.
Secondly, wild animals lost their natural living environment owing to vegetation destruction, so some animals now become rarer and rarer besides of macro-animals being extinct, and so on.
Many plants and animals are going extinct.
Yet somehow the species went from being one of the most abundant birds in the world toextinction in only about 100 years.
Sichuan, a southwest province in China, hometown of the giant panda, which is on the edge ofextinction, has recently worked out a plan aimed to attract more tourists.
科学家们现在拉响警报- 并敦促澳大利亚的标志性参议院宣布,睡眼惺忪的有袋类动物濒临灭绝的物种。
Scientists are now sounding the alarm — and urging Australia's senate to declare the iconic, sleepy-eyed marsupials an endangered species.
Tourists can observe pandas in their natural habitat and can also help researchers feed andplay with these beautiful and threatened animals.
A rare tree frog, a mudfish and lizards are among the thousands of species threatened byextinction.
"We're worried that these endangered animals won't breed any more, which would hamperanimal protection programmes, " Berlin's animal rights association said in a statement.
People kill them for their tusks. Now they are an endangered species.
Every year many animals are killed. Today's animals in danger include chiru , coral, elephantsand many other animals. They will be introduced next week.
The foxes had been after them and, knowing that bilbies are endangered animals, Tommy andTrish's father lets them take them home.
They provide homes for many endangered animals, and help to educate the public aboutcaring for them.
Human beings have become the farmland, forest new cities and roads occupied animalhabitats, many animals were killed, leading to the endangered animals.
As a result these endangered animals may even die out.
世界上最濒临灭绝的动物之一是巨型熊猫,大约还剩下16000 头了。
One of the most endangered animals in the world is the giant panda. There are only about16000 left.
The white -headed langur, one of many endangered species of primates in Asia, is found onlyin Guangxi province in southern China.
It would deeply affect the rain forests and kill endangered species if we tear it down to buildsome godforsaken slaughter house to abuse animals.
摄影师正在试图告诉了一个感人的故事关于人们如何保存这种濒临绝种的动物,让我感动 的那么多。
The photographer was trying to tell a moving story about how people saved this kind of endangered animal and that moved me so much.
In the past three decades, many countries have formulated laws and regulations to protectanimals from being abused or killed, and many have set up reservation areas to protectendangered animals.
Another famous animal in danger is the giant panda, whose habitat is in China.
The panda is one of the world's most endangered animals, with an estimated 1,600 in natureparks in Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi provinces, plus more than 200 others in captivity.
Even if people know an animal is endangered, they will eat it if they have a disease that cannot be cured with other types of medicine.
Even if people know an animal is endangered, they will eat it if they have a disease that cannot be cured with other types of medicine.
1. These endangered gentle giants are highly social animals.
2. The giant panda has become an endangered species.
3. People kill them for their tusks. Now they are an endangered species.
人们为取得象牙而杀害它们, 现在它们成了濒临绝种的动物.
4. Eleven honor the manatee, an endangered sea animal found in that state.
5. About 170 kinds in the United States alone are considered in danger.
6. Pollution is pushing this animal to the very brink of extinction.
7. But this swift, beautiful animal is on the verge of extinction.
8. If an animal might become extinct, we say it is endangered.
如果一种动物有绝迹的可能, 我们称它为濒临绝种.
9. The gardens house 19 endangered species of mammals, birds and reptiles.
动植物公园饲养了19种濒临绝种的哺乳类动物 、 雀鸟和爬虫.
10. But if they don't drive carefully, they can become an endangered species.
不过,如果他们不小心开车的话, 他们可就会变成濒临危险的动物了.
11. In recent years, we make efforts to money the animals in danger.
近年来, 大家尽力为保护濒临灭亡的野生动物筹款.
12. The bison, or buffalo, was an endangered species in the United States.
13. Many animals are on the brink of extinction at present time.
14. As a result these endangered animals may even die out.
15. This animal is in danger of extinction.