
发布时间:2016-12-12 17:05



寓言小故事英语版1:Punishing the horse

Since his horse refused to go forward, a traveler in the state of Song drove it into a stream, then mounted to set off again. Still the horse refused to go, and he punished it once more in the same way.

This happened three times in all. Even the most skilful rider could devise no better means of frightening a horse; but if you are not a rider, simply a bully, your horse will refuse to carry you.

寓言小故事英语版2:The lark burying its mother

The lark, according to an ancient legend, was created before the earth, she could find for her no place of burial.

She left her mother lying for five days.

On the sixth day, she had no way out and bury her mother in her own head. So she got her crest, which is popularly said to be her mother's grave-hillock.

Youth's first duty is to show their respect to parents.

寓言小故事英语版3:The spendthrift and the swallow

A spendthrift, who had wasted his fortune, and had nothing left but the clothes in which he stood, saw a swallow one fine day in early spring.

Thinking that summer had come, and that he could now do without his coat, he went and sold it for what it would fetch.

A change, however, took place in the weather, and there came a sharp frost which killed the unfortunate swallow.

When the spendthrift saw its dead body he cried, "Miserable bird! Thanks to you I amperishing of cold myself."

One swallow does not make summer.

寓言小故事英语版5:The ass the fox and the lion

An ass and a fox went into partnership and sallied out to forage for food together.

They hadn't gone far before they saw a lion coming their way, at which they were both dreadfully frightened.

But the fox thought he saw a way of saving his own skin, and went boldly up to the lion and whispered in his ear, "I'll manage that you shall get hold of the ass without the trouble of stalking him, if you'll promise to let me go free."

The lion agreed to this, and the fox then rejoined his companion and contrived before long to lead him by a hidden pit, which some hunter had dug as a trap for wild animals, and into which he fell.

When the lion saw that the ass was safely caught and couldn't get away, it was to the fox that he first turned his attention, and he soon finished him off, and then at his leisure proceeded to feast upon the ass.

Betray a friend, and you'll often find you have ruined yourself.
