
发布时间:2016-11-30 13:39


1. Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter. 向日葵所制人造黄油的脂肪含量与黄油脂肪含量相同。

2. I frequently use sunflowers as symbols of strength. 我经常用向日葵来作为力量的象征。

3. The sunflower turns towards the sun. 向日葵向着太阳.

4. Sunflowers grow promptly. 向日葵生长迅速。

5. We passed through wheat fields and golden plots of sunflowers. 我们穿过小麦地和金黄色的向日葵地块.

6. The sunflower blushed to own the nameless flower as her kin. 向日葵羞于把无名的花朵看作它的同胞.

7. Xiao Lin is watering the sunflowers. 小林在给向日葵浇水.


8. The bird pecked seeds out of the sunflower. 那只鸟用喙从向日葵中啄出种子.

9. Every time you look a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. 每次看见向日葵, 全世界都开始微笑.

10. Jasmine, Saving Face and Sunflower will be released in 2005. 《茉莉花开》、《面子》以及《向日葵》将于2005年发行放映.

11. A SUNFLOWER is a sunflower. A mobile phone is a mobile phone. 大家都知道,向日葵和手机,一个是植物,一个是机器,二者是截然不同的.

12. Why are the florets in a sunflower arranged in double spiral? 为什么向日葵中的小花是按照双螺旋的形状排列的 呢 ?

13. Sunflower cultivation to be promoted to meet cooking oil needs. 向日葵的栽种将扩大以满足于食品用油的需要.

14. The gods were deeply touched and changed her into a sunflower. 众神为她的痴情所深深打动,将她变成了一株向日葵.

15. Buddhist monks walk beside a field of sunflowers in northern Thailand. 几个僧人走在泰国北部的向日葵地里.

16. The Southern Knight stayed there, watching the sunflower as she wavedgoodbye. 南王站在那儿, 望着向日葵向他挥手告别.

17. The sunflowers could also be sold to local florists for profit. 向日葵也可以卖给当地花店来盈利.

18. Jasmine, Saving Face and Sunflower will be released in 2005. 《茉莉花开》、面子》以及《向日葵》将于2005年发行放映.

19. Bursts of spring, field rain, sunflowers tall, and has 56 leaves of. 一阵阵春风, 一场场春雨, 向日葵长高了, 已经有五六片叶子了.

20. The selfless dedication of his sunflower quiet door life. I like sunflowers. 向日葵默默无私的奉献他门的一生. 我喜欢向日葵.

21. Do you know, sunflower seeds are the sons of the sunflowers. 你知道吗, 葵花子是向日葵的种子.

22. To minimize head rot, plant to maximize air circulation. 为减少烂盘, 向日葵必须种植在空气循环量最大处.

23. The seeds took root and grew, and the sunflowers multiplied. 这些种子生根并生长, 向日葵不断的繁殖.

24. The sunflower chuckled quietly, amused at the man's words. 向日葵被他的话逗得咯咯暗笑.

25. Who falls into the chimney a sunflower in full bloom? 谁落入了烟囱,像株盛开的向日葵一样?

26. The sunflower had not started where I saw the stalk begin. 向日葵并不是从我发现茎杆的地方开始生长的.

27. The grasshopper was singing and dancing on the sunflower. 蝗虫正对着向日葵唱歌跳舞.

28. People grow crops, such as wheat and sunflowers in this area. 这个地区种植如小麦和向日葵这样的庄稼.

29. If it is seen from above, the lake looks like a sunflower. 那座湖从上面俯视, 宛如一朵盛开的向日葵.

30. I like all flowers, specially like lotus, sunflower, violet and ume. 喜欢所有花, 尤其是荷花 、 向日葵 、 紫罗兰和梅花.
