看美剧学英语:I'm just saying的不同用法

发布时间:2017-03-14 23:55

I'm just saying.在不同的场所下的意思你晓得吗?“I'm just saying.”是句相当神奇的话。它只有短短的三个字,用法却不拘一格,可以在不同的场合下表示不同的意思,起到不同的成果。

看美剧学英语:I'm just saying的不同用法

一、当咱们因为说了一些不动听的话而惹恼(或惹怒)听话人的时候,咱们可以赶紧来一句“I'm just saying.”,安抚对方的隋绪。

它的潜台词是:I'm not trying to offend you anything.I'm just saying what I think is the truth. Please don't be mad at me.(我不是成心要冒犯你,只是说出了我认为的原因罢了。请不要生气。)


Teresa: You'll be playing with fire if you go out with Justin. You should be careful.(你如果接受Justin的追求的话,你就是在玩火。你应警戒点儿。)

Miriam: How dare you? Are you accusing him of something? Are you accusing me of being stupid?(你怎么可能这样说?你在指控他什么吗?你觉得我太笨了吗?)

Teresa: Hey. I'm just saying.(嗨,我不是故意要冲撞你,英语口语,只是说出我的看法罢了。请不要生气。)

二、我们有时候不一定是由于说了不入耳的话而惹恼对方,可能是在探讨严肃话题的时候,突然开了一个类似的“脑筋急转弯”的不着边际的玩笑。诚然是出于调节气氛的善意,但对方听到想听的话,多少还是会有点懊悔,这时我们也可以一句“I am just saying.”,安抚对方的感情。


Elizabeth: Do you have any plans this Saturday?(这个星期六你有什么安排吗?)

Lillian: Not yet.(还没有。)

Elizabeth: then come to book swap! It should be a lot of fun. You know, Jason is coming too!(那你来参加我们的换书活动吧!应该很有意思的。Jason也会来的哦!)

Lillian: What does that have to do with me? I have a boyfriend now. I’m not interested in Jason any more!(他来不来关我什么事啊?我有男朋友了。对Jason不再感兴趣了!)

Elizabeth: I'm just saying .(我随口说说而已,你别歪曲。)

三、不愿意否定错误的人经常用“I'm just saying.”来应付对方。他/她确实已经知道自己错了,只是以为直接说“You are right.”(你说的对)太没体面,所以通过这句“I'm just saying."表白。

Lewis: That film critic should be fired.(这个影评人应当被炒掉。)

Robert: What did he say?(他说了什么啊?)

Lewis: He said the Departed was adapted from a Chinese film.(他说《无间道风波》改编自中文电影。)

Robert: Yeah. right. Infernal affairs. I believe.(对啊,我想是《无间道》。)

Lewis: But that's a Hong Kong film! They don't speak Chinese in there!(但那是香港片子啊!他们说的不是中文!)

Robert: They speak Cantonese. It's not Mandarin. but it's still Chinese!(他们说的是粤语。固然不是普通话,但一样是中文啊!)

Lewis:I’m just saying.(我只是打个比方而已。)

没人能够判断I'm just saying的这些用法是从何时开始盛行起来的,不过大多数英语为母语者反映它们是20世纪八九十年代才冒出来的。美国人在说这句话的时候,往往会采用比较慵勤懒发音,所以saying听起来不像是say-ing,而更濒临于say-en(en跟ten谐音),英语培训。他们在写这句话的时候,也时常用慵勤版的“I'm just say-en"来代替畸形版的“I'm just saying"

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