
发布时间:2017-02-13 10:30




1) "They never get tired of dying." 他们从不厌倦死亡

2) "Bullseyes." 精确一击

3) "Stay dead." 别活过来

4) "Purity and peace." 纯净而安详

5) "By all means, stand and fight." 无论怎样,站起来撸

6) "This is mercy." 这,就是仁慈

7) "We're gonna need more coffins." 我们只是需要更多的棺材

8) "Just another corpse." 不过是另一具尸体

9) "The past is just a ghost." 往事只是幽影

10) "Something is rotten here." 有东西烂在这里了


1) "Don't look so grim." 别这么冷酷

2) "Some call it magic. I call it good aim." 有人称之为魔法,我称之为瞄的准

3) Lucian shoots a smiley face into the ground. 总统先生在地上打出一个笑脸

4) "Smile? Alright." 微笑?好的.

5) "This is my happy face. See?" 瞧见了么,这就是我的笑脸.

6) "Heheh, and they say I have a grim sense of humor." 嘿嘿,他们都说我没有幽默感.

7) "No, really... I am smilin'."这,真的么...我在笑诶.

8) "Everybody dies. Some just need a little help."人终有一死,可有些人需要一点小小的帮助

9) "Tough talk for worm food." 豪言壮语只是蛆虫的粮食

10) "Don't duck on my account." 别想回绝我的"好意"

11) "Trick shot? The trick is not to get shot."

12) "Rise again, I dare you."再起来啊,我看你敢?

13) "H'yeah, I've got a cure for that."啊对,我已经注射过丧尸疫苗了.

14) "Keep moving on." 保持前进

15) "Everybody deserves a second shot." 每个人都值得再补一枪

16) "Death should be the end." 死亡应该就是终结

17) "There's a chill in the air." 空气中的寒意(其实指亡灵)

18) "Nothing colder than death." 没什么比死亡更寒冷的了

19) "I'll sleep when they're dead." 他们死了,我才能安眠

20) "I'll have no trouble killing you, and less trouble killing you again!" 杀你真是一点难度都没有,再杀你几次也一样

21) "Death is a mercy, and I have enough mercy to go around." 死亡就是我的仁慈,而我有足够的仁慈泽济天下

22) "Death at the door? Hmph, no. I am the one who knocks." 死亡就在门口?哈,不.我才是敲门人.

23) "You took the better half of me, Thresh. What you left is a dangerous enemy." 锤石,你夺走了我善良的那一半,你给自己留下了一个何等危险的敌人!

24) "It's not that I fear you, Hecarim. I just hate to put a good horse down." 我不是怕你,赫克里姆,我只是不想放倒一匹好马~

25) "Let's crack you open, Mordekaiser, and see what's inside." 让我来撬开你的外壳,莫德凯撒,然后看看你头有什么.

26) "Rest in peace." 安息吧

27) "They never get tired of dying." 他们从不厌倦死亡

28) "Bullseyes." 精确一击

29) "Stay dead." 别活过来

30) "Purity and peace." 纯净而安详

31) "By all means, stand and fight." 无论怎样,站起来撸

32) "This is mercy." 这,就是仁慈

33) "We're gonna need more coffins." 我们只是需要更多的棺材

34) "Just another corpse." 不过是另一具尸体

35) "The past is just a ghost." 往事只是幽影

36) "Something is rotten here." 有东西烂在这里了

37) "Go ahead, scare me." 来啊,吓我啊~

38) "You don't have the heart for this." 你没有做这个的心

39) "Don't look so grim." 别这么冷酷

40) "Some call it magic. I call it good aim." 有人称之为魔法,我称之为瞄的准
