
发布时间:2017-06-05 09:25



I used to wake up early and get up at 7 o'clock. ;我常常早醒但在 七点钟才起床.

I used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 a.m. ;我一向把闹钟上到 上午七点正.

I never used to oversleep. ;我从来不睡过头的.

I used to get dressed quickly every morning. ;每天早晨我总是很快 就穿好衣报.

I always used to leave for work at 8:30. ;我总是在八点三十分 离家去工作.

I used to start working at 9:00 o'clock every day. ;我每天一向在九点钟 开始工作.

I used to have lunch every day at the same time. ;我每天一向在同样的 时间吃午饭.

I used to work until nearly 6:00 o'clock each day. ;我每天总是工作到 将近六点钟.

I used to have dinner at 7:30 and go to bed early. ;我惯于七点三十分 吃晚饭并早睡.

My brother and I used to go a lot of places together. ;我和我兄弟常一起去好多 地方.

We used to go to the movies about once a week. ;通常我们每周大约 去看一次电影.

We used to have a lot of interesting friends. ;我们过去一向交有许多 有趣的朋友.

My brother used to speak French to me all the time. ;我的兄弟惯于整个时间 和我讲法语.

I always used to ask him a lot of questions. ;我总是好问他许多问题.

Asking about addresses 询问地址 ;

Where do you live? ;你住在哪里?

I live on Washington Street. ;我住在华盛顿大街.

What's your address? ;你的住址在哪儿?

I live at 1203 Washington Street. ;我住在华盛顿大街 1203号.

I'm Mr.Smith's next door neighbor. ;我是史密斯先生 紧隔壁的邻居.

You live here in the city,don't you? ;你住在这个城里, 是不是?

I'm from out of town. ;我住在城外.

How long have you lived here? ;你在这里住多久了?

I've lived here for five years. ;我在这里已经 住了五年了.

He's known me for over ten years. ;他和我相识已十多年了.

I've spoken English all my life. ;我讲了一辈子英语啦.

I've already read that book. ;我已经读过那本书.

Has he studied French very long? ;他学习法语已很久了吗?

Have you had breakfast already? ;你已经吃过早饭了吗?


Yes,I had breakfast two hours ago. ;是的,我两小时前 就吃过早饭了.

Asking questions 提问问题 ;

Where were you yesterday afternoon? ;昨天下午你在哪儿?

I was at home all afternoon. ;整个下午我都在家.

I was writing some letters to friends of mine. ;我给我的一些 朋友写几封信.

What were you doing at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. ;昨天下午四点钟左右 你在做什么?

I was listening to the radio. ;我在听广播.

What were you doing when I called you on the telephone? ;我打电话给你的时候, 你在做什么?

When you called me, I was eating dinner. ;你打电话给我时, 我正在吃晚饭.

When I saw Mr.Jones,he was talking with John Smith. ;当我去看琼斯先生时,他 正在和约翰.史密斯谈话

While you were writing letters,I was reading a book ;你在写信的时候, 我在看书.

While we were having breakfast,John was talking on the telephone. ;我们在吃早饭的时候, 约翰在打电话.

Can you guess what I was doing this morning? ;你能猜到今天上午 我在做什么吗?

I can't remember what John was doing yesterday afternoon. ;我记不起来约翰昨天下午 在做什么来着.

I've forgotten what he said his address was. ;我忘记他说他的住址 在哪里了.

I've forgotten what time he said he had dinner last night. ;我忘记他说他昨天晚上 是在什么时候吃的晚饭.

They called us just as we were having dinner. ;正好在我们吃晚饭时, 他们打电话给我们.

Describing objects 形容物品 ;

What color is your book? ;你的书是什么颜色的?

My book has a dark blue cover. ;我的书是深蓝色封皮.

How much does that typewriter weigh? ;那台打字机有多重?

It's not too heavy, but I don't know the exact weight. ;不太重,但是我不知道 准确的重量.

This round table weighs about forty-five pounds. ;这张园桌大约有 四十五磅重.

What size suitcase do you own? ;你的手提包是 多大规格的?

One of my suitcases is small,and the other one is medium size. ;我的手提包, 一只是小的, 另一只是中等规格的.

I like the shape of that table. ;我喜欢那张桌子的形状.

How long is Jones Boulevard? ;琼斯大街有多长?

That street is only two miles long. ;那条街只有两英里长.

Will you please measure this window to see how wide it is? ;请你量一下这扇窗户, 看看有多宽.

This window is just as wide as that one. ;这扇窗户正好 和那扇一样宽.

The walls are three inches thick. ;这几堵墙有三英寸厚.


encil is longer than that one. ;这枝铅笔比那枝长.

Asking people to do things 请人办事 ;

Would you please tell Mr.Cooper that I'm here? ;请你告诉雇勃先生我在 这里,好吗?

Take these books home with you tonight. ;今天晚上你把这些书 带回家去.

Please bring me those magazines. ;请把那些杂志带给我.

Would you help me lift this heavy box? ;请您帮助我把这只重箱 子抬起来,好吗?

Please ask John to turn on the lights. ;请告诉约翰把灯打开.

Put your books down on the table. ;把你的收放在桌子上.

Get me a hammer from the kitchen,will you? ;请你把厨房里的锤子 拿给我,好吗?

Hang up my coat in the closet,will you please? ;请你把我的上衣挂在 衣柜里好吗?

Please don't bother me now.I'm very busy. ;现在请别打扰我, 我很忙.

Would you mind mailing this letter for me? ;劳您驾把这封信代我 发出去,好吗?

If you have time, will you call me tomorrow? ;如果你有时间,明天请给 我打个电话,好吗?

Please pick up those cups and saucers. ;请把那些杯子 和碟子拾起来.

Will you do me a favor? ;帮我个忙好吗?

Please count the chairs in that room. ;请把那个房间的 椅子数一数.

Please pour this milk into that glass. ;请把这些牛奶倒到 那只玻璃杯里.

Getting information and directions 打听情况和问路 ;

Excuse me,sir.Can you give me some information? ;对不起,先生, 请问一件事好吗?

Can you tell me where Peach Street is? ;你能告诉我皮奇大街 在哪里吗?

It's two blocks straight ahead. ;一直往前走过 两个街区就是.

Which direction is it to the theater? ;到戏院去朝哪儿走?

Turn right at the next corner. ;到前面的转弯处, 向右拐.

How far is it to the university? ;饭店就在旅馆的街对面.

It's a long way from here. ;离这里有很长一段路呢.

The school is just around the corner. ;学校就在拐角附近.

The restaurant is across the street from the hotel. ;饭店就在旅馆的街对面.

You can't miss it. ;你不会找不到的.

Do you happen to know Mr.Cooper's telephone number? ;你可知道顾勃先生 的电话号码?

Could you tell me where the nearest telephone is? ;你能告诉我离这儿最近的 地方哪儿有电话?

Should I go this way,or that way? ;我应从这边走, 还是从那边走?
