
发布时间:2016-11-30 17:51


小鸟[xiǎo niǎo]


dickey ; dicky ; birdie ; chick ; chicken

网 络BIRD;birdie;little bird;fledge



What little bird of scarlet plumage may this be?


Build new houses for the birds in the tree?


She sings as merrily as a little bird.




The birds were trilling in the trees.


The arrow went straight and hit the eye of the bird.


The chicks will soon feather out.


A bird launched off.


The bird tried to fly in the same direction as that taken by his outdoor cousins.


The bird pecked at the bread crumbs.


The little bird skimmed over the waves looking for food.

1. Our school had a mascot known as Freddy Bird. 我们学校有一个名叫“弗雷迪小鸟”的吉祥物。

2. As soon as the two chicks hatch, they leave the nest burrow. 两只小鸟一出壳就离开了巢穴。

3. The chirps of the small garden birds sounded distant. 远处传来庭园小鸟的鸣啭。

4. TV pictures showed a dying bird coated with oil. 电视画面上出现了一只身上沾满油污、奄奄一息的小鸟。

5. Ronan Rafferty shot six birdies in a round of 67. 罗南·拉弗蒂在成绩为67杆的一场比赛中打出了6次小鸟球。

6. He birdied five of the first seven holes. 他在前7洞有5洞打出了小鸟球。

7. Shoo, bird, shoo. 嘘!小鸟,嘘!

8. Birds were already singing in the garden. 小鸟已经在花园里歌唱了。

9. The bird had become entangled in the wire netting. 那只小鸟被铁丝网缠住了。

10. He held the bird gently in the palm of his hand . 他把小鸟轻轻地托在掌心。

11. He is abstracted by a bird outside the classroom. 他的注意力溜到教室外的小鸟身上.

12. I used to snare small birds such as sparrows. 我曾常用罗网捕捉麻雀等小鸟.

13. The little bird skimmed over the waves looking for food. 那只小鸟掠过波浪寻找食物.

14. The little bird is eating a grain of rice. 这只小鸟正在吃一粒米.

15. The birds have stripped all the fruit from the bushes! 小鸟把树丛中的果实都叼走了.

16. I want to fly, I want to be an unfettered bird. 我想要飞, 想要做一只无拘无束的小鸟.

17. A little bird was bobbing its head up and down. 一只小鸟把头上下快速摆动着.

18. The birds in the garden are fighting over a piece of bread. 花园里的小鸟正在争夺一片面包.

19. I can see that aeroplane, but I can't see a bird. 我能看见那架飞机, 但是小鸟我就看不见了.

20. The bird fluttered its wings in the cage. 小鸟在笼子里拍动翅膀.
