
发布时间:2016-11-30 17:50




murmur ; whisper

网 络speak quietly;in a low voice;Speak softly1. Pickering whispers to Eliza and points out the ladies'room.



2. We talked in a low voice lest we should wake the baby up. 我们小声说话以免吵醒婴儿.

3. Nurses spoke a low voice to avoid wakening the patient. 护士们小声说话以免吵醒病人.



4. They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard by others. 他们小声说话,以免被别人听见.

5. They stop at a door and speak quietly. (他们在一扇门前停下,小声说话. )

6. Keep your voice low. 你要小声说话.

7. Billy: Why are you whispering, Michael? 比利: 你为什么小声说话, 迈克尔?

8. When you call and you're with friends, keep the call short and speak quietly. 如果在你和朋友在一起的时候接到电话, 尽可能长话短说并且小声说话.

9. Face - to - face in their words, about half interval, fortunately did not make anyoverstepped the bounds behavior. 他们 面对面 小声说话, 间隔半米左右, 所幸没做出什么出格举止.

10. His mother leaned forward and spoke to him in urgent undertones. 他母亲身子前倾,小声而急切地跟他说话。

11. Speak lower or he'll hear you. 说话小声点,不然他会听见的.

12. Could you keep your voice down a bit? 你们说话小声些好 吗 ?

13. What a yap he be, he do not know how to whisper. 他真是个粗汉, 他不会小声地说话.

14. Most western restaurants are quiet and people speak quiet voices. 大多西餐馆很安静,人们说话也小声.

15. Gabriella: Why are you whispering? 你干嘛说话这么小声?

16. Jack and Stella whispered to each other as they walked down the street. 一路上,他们小声的说话.
