
发布时间:2017-04-17 10:19



A: Hi B, I am going to the video shop to buy some movie’s DVD, would you like to go with me?

B: Oh, hi A, I’d love to. I also want to buy some DVDs, you know, many movies are worth to watch a second time.

A: That’s good, thank you. I know you have watched many movies, you can give me some nice suggestion.

B: OK, I’m glad to introduce the movies which I liked so much.

(C D 上)

C:Hi A&B, we are finding you.

A&B: Hi C&D , what happened?

C: Can you believe? I have won a lottery!

B: Really? Congratulations!

A: I think you always have good luck.

D: I am agree with you, A. She is a lucky girl.

C: ha haha, thank you. The prize is four movie tickets. I have invite D to go to the theatre with me. A&B, would you like to join us?

D: Yes, we know you two like watching movies and some new films were shown very often recently.

A: I’d love to, but I prefer watching a DVD at home to go(than going) to the theatre. B: So do I. I feel very sorry.

A: Oh, I have never heard you don’t like watching movie in the theatre. Can(Would) you like to tell me(us) the reason?

A: I think watch DVDs on TV by myself is more relax. For example, I may be amused by the funny words and actions, but I am unlikely to laugh out loud in the theatre. D: But the artificially produced sound effects are much better in the theatre than the DVDs. When you hear guns firing in a theatre, you feel as if you were on a real battlefield.

C: Moreover, the presence of an audience can create a good atmosphere. You can easily be immersed in the movies. I think when you watch a movie first time, you should go to the theatre, you can understand the movie better.

B: But on the other hand, I can also press the PAUSE button, go to the kitchen or the toilet, and then come back to continue the movie. More importantly, if I don’t understand a section of the movie, I can replay it.

D: While, what you say is quite right. When we watch some foreign movies, our lack of background information often requires us to make too much inferences, and sometimes we cannot understand certain parts of the movie. But if you don’t understand the movie when you see it in the theatre, you also can buy the DVDs and watch the movie again. C: You can buy the DVDs whenever you want, but you can’t see a movie in the theatre if you miss the date.

A: Um, what you two said is very reasonable, I think I agree with you.

D: Yeah, and you may laugh heartily when the whole audience bursts into wild laughter. C: We are going to see the new film-----<>, it’s a perfect movie that suits to watch on the theatre. Come with us, please.

A: Ok, I’m glad to go with you, how about you B?

B: Let me think, I don’t like go to because I have some bad memory in the theatre. Once I went to the theatre, I have a good seat and the movie was very interesting. However, a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly, I even could not hear the actors. I was very angry.

A: Oh, the two young people are lack of public ethics.

C: What happened then?

B: In the end I could not bear it, I turned around and said ‘I can’t hear a word!’. The young man said ‘It’s none of your business. It’s a private conversation!’ D: The man was so rude. But not all the people are same as him. I hope you will not take offence.

B: Sure, I’ll go with you


A :the problems of domestic food safety are appearing constantly . And have your heard problem of oranges? 国内食品安全问题不断显现,你听说过问题橘子吗?

B: Really? 真的?

A: There are fresh citrus maggots. County on a buried 2500 kilos, and several provinces nationwide have. 有新鲜的柑橘生了蛆虫。县里埋了2500公斤,全国好几个省都有这种状况。 C: How terrible. Now the domestic food security is really bad. 多么可怕。现在国内食品安全是非常糟糕的。

D: U.S do better in this piont. 在这一点上美国做的更好。

B: Ah, which the United States did manage very well. What is their experience? 啊,美国确实做的很好。他们有什么经验?

D: the right OF FDA in the United States is power, and Very strict law enforcement. 在美国,食品药物管理局的权利非常大,而且执法非常严格。

C: is there more success experience? 有更多的成功经验吗?

A: It's a fairly standard market, no hawker stalls and food in the supermarket, food into the supermarket to go through inspection, so the food will not get home as domestic so fresh. 要有一个相当标准的市场,没有小贩的摊档和食品在超市,食品经过超市的检查,这样只要食物不是很新鲜就不会被带回家

B:How should people buy safe food? 你认为人们该如何购买安全食品?

D:When we choose food, we must remember to check its tag, confirming whether the basic information is marked on it, including ingredients, producer, shelf life and particularly date of manufacture. 选择食品时,我们一定要记住查看标签,确认上面是否标注基本信息,包括配料、生产厂家、保质期,尤其是生产日期。

C:Why does food contamination occur frequently these days? 为什么食品污染问题现在频繁发生?

A:Because the food manufactures are so obsessed with making money that they lose the business ethics. They no longer take food safety as their priority.因为食品生产者惟利是图,丧失了商业道德。他们不再把食品安全当作首要问题。


B:Health is very important for our body. So, what do you think is a healthy diet? 健康对于我们的身体是十分重要的。而且健康的食物在这里扮演了一个十分重要的角色。所以,你认为什么是健康的饮食?

C:A healthy diet should contain all the essential nutrients.健康的饮食应包含所有必需的营养物质。

A:How could people eliminate food contamination nowadays? 现在人们怎样才能杜绝食品污染事件?

D:The government should set strict rules and regulations to standardize the production of food and punish severely those violators.政府应制定严格的规章制度来规范食品生产,并且严惩违法者。

C:Why do many people suffer from heart disease recently? 最近为什么很多人患上了心脏病? B:I suppose it is because the improved living conditions provide people with more refined grain and meat. Consequently, people have an excessive amount of fat which leads to heart disease.我认为这是由于生活条件改善,人们有了更多细粮和肉类。结果就摄入了过量的脂肪,从而引起


A:What’s your eating habit? 你有什么饮食习惯?

D:I have a balanced diet and I always have meals in a regular way.我饮食均衡,而且吃饭有规律。

A:How do you keep fit? 你怎样保持健康?

C:I am not particular about food and I often do exercise as long as I have free time.我不挑食,而且一有时间就会运动。

A:Do you have fast food very often? 你经常吃快餐吗?

B:No, I seldom eat fast food because it’s rich in fat. And I want to keep a slender shape.不,我几乎不吃快餐,因为它含有很多脂肪。而我想保持苗条的体形。

C:What are the advantages of transgenic food? 转基因食品有什么优点?

D:Transgenic technology can increase the yield of the crops and give the crops such attributes as insect-resistance or drought-resistance.转基因技术可以提高农作物的产量,使它们具有抗病虫、耐干旱等特性。

B:What do you think of instant noodles? 你认为方便面怎么样?

A:On the one hand, it is easy to prepare and thus brings convenience to our busy life. On the other hand, it is harmful to our health since it contains preservatives.一方面,方便面易于准备,因此给我们忙碌的生活带来了便利。另一方面,由于它含有防腐剂,所以对健康有害。
