名词解释:小龙虾(学名:Procambarus clarkii):也称克氏原螯虾、红螯虾和淡水小龙虾。形似虾而甲壳坚硬。成体长约5.6~11.9厘米,暗红色,甲壳部分近黑色,腹部背面有一楔形条纹。幼虾体为均匀的灰色,有时具黑色波纹。螯狭长。甲壳中部不被网眼状空隙分隔,甲壳上明显具颗粒。额剑具侧棘或额剑端部具刻痕。你知道用英语怎么表达吗?
The North American signal crayfish, which had been introduced to English waters decades ago and spread steadily north, were taking over.
Some of these things were about 10 to 12 inches long. At that size, they don't even look like crayfish; they look like lobsters.
The problem isn't just the size or quantity of the intruders; it's that the crayfish eat the same insects and larvae as the prize-winning trout that are native to these streams.
Many local residents are worried that the crayfish may be destroying Scottish ecology.
文中的crayfish就是“小龙虾”的意思,也称红螯虾和淡水小龙虾,因肉味鲜美广受人们欢迎,尤其是麻辣小龙虾(hot and spicy crayfish),而龙虾(lobster)主要分布于热带海域(tropical seas),是名贵的海产品(marine product)。