She became more and more unbalanced.
An unbalanced diet has an adverse effect upon health.
The country can adjust the unbalanced market by controlling purchases.
A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body.
It's important for us to eat a balanced diet.
Only good budget is a balanced budget.
A balanced perspective is all you need.
We all appreciate a balanced outlook on life.
The acrobat balanced himself on the high rope. 杂技演员在高空绳索上保持身体平衡。
If you do what you like then you know how it feels to be calm, relaxed andbalanced. 当你在做你所喜欢做的事情时,你就能够体会到什么叫平静、放松和平衡。
Because the load of resources can be balanced in the grid with unusedresources, grid computing is like an extreme form of load balancing. 因为在有未使用资源的网格中可以平衡资源负载,所以网格计算好像是负载平衡的一种极端形式。
Because the contents of these files are inserted into the XML document, theymust also be valid XML, and they must be balanced. 由于这些文件的内容被插入到XML文档中,因此它们也必须是有效的XML,而且它们必须是平衡的。
If anything, I think the media is not balanced enough in the Middle East. 就算有这种说法,我认为媒体在中东地区是不太平衡的。
When I said that my life is out of balance I meant that I do not have a standardbalanced life. 当我说,我的生活出离平衡了的时候,我的意思是,我没有一个标准的平衡的生活。
It can be tough accepting one thing for another to attain a balanced life. 为达到和谐的生活,接受一件又一件的事情可能很艰难。
Unless you are a professional cook you do not think about cooking as an essential part of balanced living. 除非你是一个专业的厨师,否则你不会把做饭当成平衡生活的重要的一部分。
So, in other words, what happens if we put a bunch of elements, compounds intoa reactor but they are not in the balanced amounts? 换句话说,如果我们将一堆的元素,放到一个反应器里面的话,而他们不是平衡时的比例会发生什么呢?
Each of these communities can give you the support you need to successfullytransition from a busy adult to a balanced retired adult. 这每一个团体都可以给你你想要的支持,帮助你从一个忙碌的成年人成功转变为生活平衡的退休人士。
It is not balanced. 这是不平衡的。
Because the load of resources can be balanced in the grid with unusedresources, grid computing is like an extreme form of load balancing betweenSOA applications. 因为在有未使用资源的网格中可以平衡资源负载,所以网格计算好像是SOA应用程序之间负载平衡的一种终极形式。
A well balanced diet can improve your state of mind. 一个健康均衡的饮食可以改善你的精神状态。
I mentioned that your foundation determines how balanced you stay when lifethrows you curve balls. 我指的是你的基础决定你如何保持平衡当生活向你扔来曲线的球。
Yes, we can’t have perfectly balanced days every day but we can try. 是的,我们不能拥有完美的平衡,但每天我们可以都试试。
Unlimited discussion sometimes interferes with these purposes, which must thenbe balanced against freedom of speech, but freedom of speech ought to weighvery heavily in the scale. 无限制的讨论有时干扰这些功能,届时必须与言论自由相平衡,但言论自由应该在这个天平上占非常大的分量。
If you want a balanced approach to reducing the deficit, let your member ofCongress know. 如果你们希望以一种均衡的方式来减少赤字,让你们的国会议员知道。
Do not forget what you are there for, so maintain a balanced perspectivethroughout and be focused. 不要忘记你来到这里是为了什么,所以在这个过程中要保持一个和谐的观点,并要引起注意。
H: If anything, I think the media is not balanced enough in the Middle East. H:就算有这种说法,我认为媒体在中东地区是不太平衡的。
Awareness is the key to balanced living because it lets you see every moment ofyour life and appreciate it. 感悟是平衡生活的关键因为它让你看到生活的每个瞬间并欣赏他们。