
发布时间:2017-03-27 13:27



英语哲理短文带翻译:The Star Talers


Once upon a time there was a little girl whose father and mother had died, and she was so poor that she no longer had a room to live in, nor a bed to sleep in, and at last she had nothing else but the clothes she was wearing and a little piece of bread in her hand that some charitable soul had given her.


She was good and pious, however. And as she was thus forsaken by all the world, she went forth into the country, trusting in dear God.


Then a poor man met her, who said, "Ah, give me something to eat, I am so hungry." She handed him her entire piece of bread, saying, "May God bless it for you," and went on her way.


Then came a child who moaned and said, "My head is so cold. Give me something to cover it with." So she took off her cap duanwenw.com and gave it to the child. And when she had walked a little farther, she met another child who had no jacket and was freezing. So she gave her jacket to that child, and a little farther on one begged for a dress, and she gave her dress away as well. At length she made her way into a forest and it was already dark. Then there came yet another child, and asked for a shift, and the pious girl thought to herself, "It is a dark night and no one can see you. You can very well give your shift away," and she took it off, and gave it away as well.


And thus she stood there, with nothing left at all, when suddenly some stars fell down from heaven, and they were nothing else but hard shining talers, and although she had just given her shift away, she was now wearing a new one which was of the very finest linen. Then she gathered together the money into it, and was rich all the days of her life.


There are a man of the State of Song who liked to curry favour with others.


One day, he got a piece of uncarved jade and went to present it to Zi Han, a minister of the State of Song, with the intention to ingratiate himself with the official.


Zi Han adamantly refused to accept it.


Thereupon, this man said in honeyed words: “This is a piece of rare jade. I regard it as duanwenw.com a treasure suitable for a gentleman’s utensil. If it gets into the hands of an old gentleman like you, to be worn by you or put on your dining table, that would be most suitable and fitting. I am an unrefined man, not deserving such a valuable treasure.”


“You man regard this piece of jade as a treasure,” said Zi Han, “but I do not accept other’s fawning, nor do I regard this kind of conduct a treasure.”


The man of Song felt he had asked for a snub and sneaked away.



A bear, who had made his living by dancing for a long time, at length escaped from his master, and returned to his former companions in the woods.


His brothers welcomed him with most friendly growls. The traveler now told what he had seen foreign countries, told a long history of his adventures, and, to exhibit his wonderful feats, began, in an erect position, to dance the Polonaise. His brothers, who were watching the performance, were astonished at his grace, and tried to imitate his ballet steps. It was in vain, hardly were they raised on two legs when they fell again upon all fours. Seeing their awkwardness, the bear went on exhibiting some higher displays of his art, which, at length, aroused the envy of the others, and so they drove him from their society.

