The plug-in receives the existing staff query result and context information as input, and returnsthe altered staff query result, which is then used for authorization.
The second type of security policy rules, called disclosure rules, specifies what information can be disclosed in a query result and the conditions under which result objects are disclosed.
In previous articles, you learned about JDBC metadata support for both the databaseconnection and the query results.
Cleaning up those unused people query results can have a positive impact on systemperformance.
In a few situations, people query results are not deleted automatically.
What is the result type of this query?
在 清单8中显示的查询结果中,您可以看到有一条关于失败的更新语句的审计记录。
From the query results, shown in Listing 8, you can see that one audit record was generated forthe failed update statement.
It also includes instructions to create and drop collections, to specify how the query results areformatted, and to supply user credentials.
注意,*和 //还可能导致不需要的或期望之外的查询结果。
Note that * and // can also lead to undesired or unexpected query results.
Examples of additional query options are settings such as whether to return spellingsuggestions or to include synonym expansions in the query results.
可以使用 标签将SQL语句发送给数据库,然后使用 标签显示查询结果,并且您可以使用同样的方式插入、更新、删除和过滤记录。
You can insert, update, delete, and filter your records the same way using the tags to send SQLstatements to your database and then using the tags to display the results of the query.
您可以动态地修改人员查询结果来分配任务模板角色,如清单6 所示。
You can modify staff query results dynamically for the task template role assignment, as shown in Listing 6.
The fundamental premise is that query results should be identical regardless of where anyportion of the query is evaluated.
You can use the results from the query in your application logic.
Thus, DB2 cannot use those indexes and resorts to a table scan to ensure a correct queryresult.
A user can choose not to be displayed in any search result (totally exclusive).
The administrator can analyze and use this information to enhance search performance or thequality of search results.
This query removes an entry from the staff query result set.
It's almost like joining tables in an SQL query, by selecting tables whose data should be part ofthe results of the query.
An attribute value of a particular query result object is disclosed if there is at least one policythat allows its disclosure.
In batch mode, you can now select multiple rows in the query results and modify the CTCs to assign them to their rightful owners.
If there is a change in resources, it is very easy to multiselect records from a query result andchange ownership of several CTCs to a new owner in batch mode.
The nested loop join method is used to join the remote query result from each warehouse andthe XML composite view result.
If you need more control over the query results, or if you want to save a query for future use,you can create a query in the Query Editor.
Cardinality estimation is a process by which the optimizer uses statistics to determine the sizeof partial query results after predicates are applied or aggregation is performed. 团队成员可以查询工作项并且与其他团队成员分享查询结果。
Team members can query work items and share the query results with other team members.
Figure 3 shows the different search results after the privacy control feature is enabled.
It generates an HTML table with field names from the query result object as a header row, theneach record listed subsequently.
According to this expected emphasis, I've chosen the granularity of the query results to center around serializing synsets.
1. Double - click the query results can then be set up special effects.
2. The order of execution can significantly affect the query result.
3. Explains why and how to use AND operator to filter query results.
4. For more information about sorting, see Sorting and Grouping Query Results.
有关排序的更多信息, 请参见对查询结果进行排序和分组.
5. A query result can include data from multiple tables or table - valued objects.
6. Q. How can I randomly sort query results?
问: 怎样才能对查询结果随机排序?
7. Provides example of how to order the results of a query by using LINQ.
提供有关如何使用LINQ对 查询结果进行排序的示例.
8. The history of red koji brewing technique in ancientry is introduced in this article.
9. And we discuss how to estimate the size of query result withClosed _ Euler Histogram.
10. Click this link and a new window will open with your voice search results.
11. The cost model based on Euler Histogram is the focal point of the dissertation.
12. In user layer , cache users " requests and show the results with multiple pages. "
在 客户层, 采用缓存用户请求和分页显示查询结果的方式来提高用户性能.
13. This is the reverse of the default sort order for this kind of result.
14. Your search returned no results. Redefine your query and search again.
您的搜索未返回任何结果. 请重新定义查询并再次搜索.
15. You might get a couple thousand results for a query.