then and now英语作文

发布时间:2017-06-06 10:10

then and now英语作文的名字虽然奇葩但也不无道理。下面是小编给大家整理的then and now英语作文的相关知识,供大家参阅!

then and now英语作文篇1

Then and Now

When I was a little boy,I used to be shy,but now,I can speak loudly in front of the audience. When I was a little boy,I used to cry,but now ,i learn to be tough.

When I was a little boy,I used to think the world is unfair,but now,I catch sight of the shining in this world.

When I was a little boy,I don’t know how to love,but now,Iknow how to cherish what I have.

The gone days have gone,and the past has just past.Maybe the gone represents blood,toil,tears,andglory,pleasure,but what I care is that the gone days taught me how to live my own life,it help me to grow up.

The gone days prove progress in my life,but now,I’m living in the present.Forget the gone days,pay my all attention to the present,and I will have a wonderful life

then and now英语作文篇2

The past time so familiar But that's why you couldn't stay Too many ghosts, too many haunted dreams Beside you were built to find your own way... But after all these years, I thought we'd still hold on But when I reach for you and search your eyes I see you've already gone... That's OK I'll be fine I've got myself, I'll heal in time But when you leave just remember what we had... There's more to life than just you I may cry but I'll make it through And I know that the sun will shine again Though I may think of you now and then... Can't do a thing with ashes But throw them to the wind... Though this heart may be in pieces now You know I'll build it up again and I'll come back stronger than I ever did before Just don't turn around when you walk out that door... That's OK I'll be fine I've got myself, I'll heal in time But when you leave just remember what we had... Coz there's more to life than just you I may cry but I'll make it through And I know that the sun will shine again Though I may think of you now and then... That's OK I'll be fine I've got myself, I'll heal in time And even though our stories at the end I still may think of you now and then...

曾经的时光那样熟悉 但你却因此而不能停留 太多悲伤的往事,太多梦魇的折磨 让你追寻自己的道路... 但是经年之后,我以为我们仍然继续着 然而当我向你伸出双手并寻觅你的双眼时 我看到你已经离去... 这样也好 我会好起来的 我找回了自我,并会及时去疗伤 但当你离开的时候,请记得我们曾一起拥有过的... 除了你,生命中还有更多的东西值得珍惜 我或许哭泣,但终会懂得放下 我也知道阳光会再次闪耀 尽管我仍不时地想念着你... 无法抹去曾经那些灰烬般的伤痕 就让它们随风飘逝... 尽管此时这颗心已支离破碎 但你知道我将会把它们重新缝合 像从未受过伤害般坚强 只是当你选择了离去就别再回头... 当我们的故事就这样结束 我仍会想起你,在后来之前,将来之后...

then and now英语作文篇3

Now and then

Time has past by and I'm a 9th grader now.I'm facing the high school entrance exam in two months so now I'm preparing hardly and trying my best to get better grades.

Next year I'll become a high school student and that time I'll be relaxed because the important test is over but I will miss my friends and teachers.Working hard with friends and teachers is the most important thing to do now.I thank my teachers for helping me and also my classmates who teach me a lot in different subjects.

Now we are busy and then I hope that we meet again someday.

then and now英语作文篇4

I think the life today is better than it was 50 years ago.We have better education.Especially girls have the same chance as boys in education.But at the same time,there are more pollution.

In the past,the traffic was poor,but now theres much traffic.And in the past,the environment was good,but now its bad because of the pollution.In the past,it was not easy to go to school,and it cost so much money for a child to study at school.But now,the education is free from Grade 1 to Grade 9.Thats must thanks to our goverment.In the past,people used to go to work on foot or by bike.But now,they go to work by bus or car instead of walking or cycling.In the past,there were few medicines.

But now,there are so many medicine that works are freer and freer and freer.And in the past,there wasnt enough light at nights so the entertainment in the evening wasnt very good.But now,its wonderful.Many

people maroups and they often dance or sing together.Its a good way

to keep healthy.In the past,there wasnt any traffic accident because of

the poor transport.But now there are many traffic accidents.Many people

died or hurt in these accidents.Do you agree with me?What do you think

about our life now and then?

then and now英语作文篇5

Ask anyone involved with English literature:"Who is the greatest writer?"and you will undoubtedly hear one name mentioned----William Shakespeare.Although Skakespeare died over 360 years ago,his thirty-seven plays are still valued and loved today.Why? Part of the answer lies in the fact that Shakespeare dealt with timeless problems that continue to concern us ,such as prejudice and parent-child conflicts,This essay will discuss these problems,using several of Shakespeare's plays as example.

Two of Shakespeare's best-know plays tackle the unly and still unsolved problem of prejudice.The hero of Othello is a black soldier who marries a high society white woman,Desdemona.Othello is clearly the best male charater in the play.He is brave,sucessful,and talented.Yet,most of the white people are horrifed by his marriage.While straining against such prejudice,Desdemona's father also objects to their marriage.While straining against such prejudice,their marriage is preyed upon by Iago,one of Othello's officers,who excites Othello to become jealous of his wilfe.As a result,Othello and his wife tragically die.Shakespeare also worked with another form of prejudice,antisemitism,in The Merchant of Vience.The character shylock is jewish,and all the christians curse him,hate him,and even spit on him.Even though Shylock is the villain,Shakespeare gives him many speeches to make it clear that Jews are also human beings.

Many of Shakespeare's plays are concerned with another still unsolved problem the generation gap.For example,King Henry the Forth in the play of the same name,is a very cool,cynical,and snobbish politician.His son Prince Hal is just the oppiste.Hal is warm and outgoing and friendly with all kind of people.He is also a "swinger"who goes to taverns and who plays around with women.Naturally,the father cannot understand the kind of life his son leads,and part of the action of the paly Henry IV revolves around this parent-child difference.The play cymbeline begins with another sort of parent-child difference.Here,the father,Cymbelline,wants his daugher Imogen to marry a man he likes,However,Imogen falls in love with someone else and secretly marries him.Cymbelline is furious.He orders the husband to go away,and he locks up his brokenhearted daughter.The rest of the play deals with the solution to this problem.

Shakespeare's palys are deservedly popular.They contain many colorful charaters beautiful poety,and action-filled plots.Shakespeare's uncanny ability to focus on problems that are still current today also adds to the continuing success of his plays.

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