
发布时间:2017-05-15 17:32



We had a remarkable sunset one day last November. I was walking in a meadow, the source of a small brook, when the sun at last, just before setting, after a cold gray day, reached a clear stratum in the horizon, and the softest, brightest morning sunlight fell on the dry grass and on the stems of the trees in the opposite horizon, and on the leaves of the shrub-oaks on the hill-side, while our shadows stretched long over the meadow eastward, as if we were the only motes in its beams. It was such a light as we could not have imagined a moment before, and the air also was so warm and serene that nothing wanted to make a paradise of that meadow.

The sun sets on some retired meadow, where no house is visible, with all the glory and splendor that it lavishes on cities, and, perchance, as it has never set before, --where there is but a solitary marsh-hawk to have his wings gilded by it, or only a masques lookout from his cabin, and there is some little black-veined brook in the midst of the marsh, just beginning to meander, winding slowly round a decaying stump. We walked in so pure and bright a light, gilding the withered grass and leaves, so softly and serenely bright, I thought I had never bathed in such a golden flood, without a ripple or a murmur to it.





I like flowers bloom in spring; I like the green trees in summer; I like the snow-capped in winter; but I prefer the fruit of autumn.


In the waves of autumn, the weather has become particularly clear.


Blue sky was spotless, like wiping the glass.


Blue sky in the clouds like a marshmallow in the sky fly big group.


The sun becomes more gentle father, and he exudes a soft light.


Autumn is a beautiful little ingenuity tailor.


You see, it gives Each species of the pieces of the book are woven clothes.


It gives the most beautiful maple woven Dahongpao.
