
发布时间:2017-06-11 20:36



On a visit to the United States,Gorbachev met a Russian who had immigrated to this country. "What do you do for a living here?"the Soviet leader asked him.


"My brother, my sister and I work in a big factory.”


"How do these capitalist bosses treat you?"


"Just fine,"answered the man.“In fact,if you are walking home from work, the boss picks you up in his big car and drives you to your door. Another time,he treats you to a dinner in an expensive restaurant. Sometimes he takes you home for the weekend and buys you presents.”


Gorbachev was stunned.”How often does this happen?"


"Well,to me,actually never. But to my sister,several times. "



One Sunday morning a minister apologized to his congregation for the bandage on his face. "I was thinking about my sermon while shaving,”he explained," and cut my face.”


Afterward,in the collection plate,he found a note:"Next time,why not think about your face and cut the sermon. "



My father's health was greatly impaired after a serious operation,but his sense of humor vwas intact.


"Teddy,"the doctor told him,"you know you won't be able to work the way you've been used to."


" Well,doctor,"said my father,"if I won't be able to work the way I've been used to,you won't be able to charge me the way you've been used to !"

