外研版初二上册英语Module 4练习试题及答案

发布时间:2017-04-13 16:23

好快就要迎来重要的英语考试了,作为考生的你,做好了复习的准备工作了吗?让我们来做一张试卷测试一下你的学习水平吧!接下来是小编带来的外研版初二上册英语Module 4练习试题以供大家学习参考。

外研版初二上册英语Module 4练习试题


1、 远离 2、 一直;不断的

3、 乘公交车 4、和…….一样

5、交通堵塞 6、计划去旅行

7、订票 8、从….到……

9、变得拥挤 10、旅途愉快

11、第三个选择 12、离学校最近

13、乘地铁 14、迟到



16. The Yellow River is the second _______river in China.

A. longer B. the longest C. longest D. long

17. —_______ does Kitty go to school?

—She takes the bus.

A. How B. Why C. When D. Where 18.—What’s the most ex pensive way to travel?


A. By bike B. On foot C. By air D. By bus

19. Of all the students, Li Lei is _______to Mr Wang.

A. close B. closer C. the closest D. the most closest

20.Stop_______now!Please listen to me.

A. talk B. talks C. talking D. to talk21. Mary usually goes to school her father’s car.

A. by B. in C. with D. on

22.—_______ is it from here to the railway station?

—About two kilometres.

A. How long B. How much C. How soon D. How far

23. There are a lot of _______friends.

A. way to make B. ways of make C. ways to make D. way making

24. How long does it _______to go there by plane?

A. spent B. spend C. took D. take

25. My father is _______sixty.

A. in B. on C. over D. with


Have you ever been to Hong Kong? When you travel in Hong Kong, you must 26 of the traffic rules, because they are different from those of the interior (内地) of China, and the traffic keeps to 27 .Before 28 the stre et, you must look to the right and then to the left. If the traffic lights turn 29 ,the traffic must stop, and people can cross the zebra line. If the traffic lights turn 30 ,the traffic can go, but people 31 cross the road. In the morning and in t he evening, when people go to or come from 32 ,the streets are very busy. The traffic is 33 .

When you go somewhere by bus in Hong Kong, you must be careful, 34 .Always remember the traffic keeps to the left. Have a look first, or you may go to the wrong way. In Hong Kong, there are a lot of big buses 35 two floors. You may sit on the second floor. From there you can watch the city very well.

26. A. careless B. be carefully C. be careful D. careful

27. A. the left B. left C. the right D. right

28. A. across B. cross C. crossed D. crossing

29. A. yellow B. green C. red D. red and yellow

30. A. orange B. red and yellow C. green D. red

31. A. may not B. not C. aren’t D. mustn’t

32. A. sea B. work C. hotel D. school

33. A. the most dangerous B. dangerousestC. the dangerous D. most dangerous

34. A. too B. also C. either D. but

35. A. with B. in C. having D. being

四、阅读理解(每小题1分,满分20 分)


New York is a very large city with 8 million people. How do so many people move on their way to work or school? In New York you can travel by subway, bus, taxi and private car.

The subway runs on the railroad lines under the city. Travelling by subway is the fastest way to get around the city. The second way to travel around the city is by public bus. It is a slower way to travel. This is because the traffic is very heavy.

You can also travel around the city by taxi. This is very expensive, but the taxi will take you to the very place you want to. If traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow, too.

During the mornings and afternoons, there is the “rush hour”.This is the time when the traffic is very heavy with people going to and from work. The last way to get around New York is using your own private car. It is inconvenient (不方便的) because you will perhaps be driving during the “rush hour”.The best time to travel around the city is from 9 am to 4 pm, because it isn’t the “rush hour”.

36.How many ways of travelling around the city are mentioned (提到) in the passage?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

37. The fastest way to travel in New York is_______ .

A. by public bus B. by subway C. by taxi D. by private car

38.How about travelling by taxi?

A. It’s cheap, and the taxi will take people to the very place they want to.

B. It’s expensive and slow.

C. It’s expensive, but the taxi will take people to the very place they want to.

D. It’s cheap and fast.

39. From the passage we know that in New York_______ .

A. there is no “rush hour” from 9 am to 4 pm

B. traffic is heavy at noon

C. most people have lunch at home

D. people go to work or school at 9 am

40. Why is it inconvenient to use private cars?

A. Many people can’t buy private cars.

B. We will perhaps be driving during the “rush hour”.

C. Most people aren’t at school or at work.

D. Traffic is very heavy.


My aunt works in a hospital i n the centre of the city. The hospital is not far from her home. It’s about one kilometre away, so she seldom (很少) goes to work by bus. She usually goes there by bike, sometimes on foot. It takes her twenty-five minutes to get there by bike , and fifty minutes on foot. Today her bike is broken. She wants to walk there. Now she ’s having some food. She usually leaves home at five to eight, but today she needs to walk twenty minutes earlier. She starts to work at half past eight in the morning and finishes at five in the afternoon.

41.The writer’s aunt is a _______.

A. student B. doctor C. bookseller D. teacher

42. The wr iter’s aunt sometimes goes to work_______

A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot D. by subway

43.How long does it take her to get there by bike?

A. Fifteen minutes. B. Fifty minutes. C. Twenty minutes. D. Twenty-five minutes.

44.She needs to walk to work today, because_______ .

A. she is ill B. she likes walking

C. her bike is broken D. the weather is fine

45. How long does she have to work a day?

A. 8.5 hours. B. 8 hours. C. 7.5 hours. D. 7 hours.


Broadway (百老汇) is a wonderful place in New York. Many new plays (戏剧) are put on first in Broadway. If they are successful, they can later go to many cities all over the country. More than 50 plays are put on each season. So if you go to New York, the visit to Broadway will certainly be one of the highlights (最精彩的部分) of your stay in the city.

Tom was born in New York. He tells me Broadway is a busy place. It’s busier and noisier (更喧闹) than other places. It’s very hot in summer and very cold in winter.

46. Broadway is in_______.

A. New York B. Washington D.C. C. London D. Beijing

47. If many new plays are successful in Broadway, they can_______.

A. never be successful around the world

B. go to many cities around the country

C. go to all the cities around the world

D. go to the cities in China

48. More than _______plays are put on each season in Broadway.

A. fifteen B. forty C. five D. fifty

49. What is Broadway famous for?

A. Plays. B. The weather. C. The place. D. The food.

50. Which sentence is WRONG according to the passage?

A. Broadway is a wonderful place.

B. Broadway is busier and noisier than other places.

C. Tom is from New York.

D. Broadway is never very hot in summer, or very cold in winter.


On a small farm in Mexico, there are no schools. A bus is the school. The driver of the bus is the teacher. It’s a school bus, but it doesn’t take the children to school. It just goes round from place to place, and sometimes it comes to this farm. The bus will stay here for three months. The farmers call it a school on wheels (轮子).

Every time when the bus comes, the farmers will come running to it, shouting and laughing. They warmly welcome the school bus.

When the bus is on the farm, in the morning, the teacher teaches the small children. In the afternoon, the bigger children come to have their lessons because they must work in the morning. At night, the fathers and mothers come to school. They want to learn, too. How the farmers hope that some day they can have a real school on their farm!

51. The driver of the bus is_______.

A. the teacher B. the student C. the farmer D. the school

52. The bus school will_______.

A. take the children to school

B. stay here for a long time

C. take the fathers and mothers to school

D. go round from place to place

53. When the school bus comes, the farmers will_______.

A. stop working B. warmly welcome it

C. be happy D. both B and C

54. The bigger children have their lessons in the afternoon because _______in the morning.

A. they can’t get up early

B. the teacher wants to teach the small children first

C. they have a lot of work to do

D. they have to do their homework

55. Which is true?

A. A school bus is a real school for farmers’ children.

B. The bus school has no teacher at all.

C. The bus school has no students.

D. The children and their parents on the farm all come to the bus school to learn.

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