
发布时间:2016-11-21 09:31


Violence continued on Saturday in parts of Libya, including the eastern oil town of Brega, the western city Misrata and Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's hometown Sirte.

Explosions were heard in rebel-held Misrata, where Human Rights Watch said Friday that Libyan government forces had pounded civilian areas with cluster bombs at least three times. The claim was then denied by government spokesperson Ibrahim Moussa, who said the government would absolutely not use these weapons against its own people.


【讲解】文中的cluster bombs指的就是“集束炸弹”,也可以说成 cluster munitions,是指将是把许多小型炸弹装在一起齐投或连续投掷的炸弹,又称子母炸弹,属于重武器(heavy weapons)。Cluster 有“串”“丛”的意思。集束炸弹的危害表现在两个方面:战争期间,它严重增加无辜平民伤亡的几率;而在战争结束后,大量没有正常爆炸的“子弹”继续长期威胁生命安全,影响正常生活和工作的恢复。《集束弹药公约》(Convention on Cluster Munitions)于2010年8月1日生效,公约规定禁止使用和研发集束炸弹。

