名词解释:情侣装,是一个现代词汇,是指情侣双方穿的一对的衣服,可以是一样的,也可以是一对的,是表达情侣双方爱情的一种服装。情侣装,是现在很受大众情侣欢迎的服装类型之一。 大家知道 “情侣装”英语怎么说吗?
More and more couples prefer to buy matching outfits, which have evolved from mere matching T-shirts to trendy dresses and shirts that complement one another.
A search for matching outfits on China's biggest e-commerce site Taobao offers more than three million results from online stores. In roughly the last year, searches for the clothing have increased by 57%, according to Alibaba Group, Taobao's parent.
文中的matching outfit解释为“情侣装”,其中match既可以做动词,表示“使相配,使相称”,也可以做名词,解释为“婚姻,配偶”,如:Both her daughters made good matches.(她两个女儿的婚姻都很美满。)
outfit指的是“全套服装或全套装备”,如sports outfits(运动服装),ski outfit(滑雪用具)。
文中第一句中的evolve是动词,解释为“发展,使逐步形成”,如:Language is constantly and gradually evolving.(语言在不断地缓慢发展。)