
发布时间:2017-03-19 11:50


hospital: 医院

hospital for infectious diseases:传染病医院

children's hospital: 儿童医院

obstetrics and gynecology hospital:妇产医院

tuberculosis hospital: 结核病医院

stomatological hospital: 口腔医院

army hospital: 陆军医院

field hospital: 野战医院

hospital of chinese medicine: 中医医院

tumor hospita;: 肿瘤医院

general hospital: 综合性医院


mental hospital: 精神病院

hospital for lepers;leprosarium: 麻风病院

sanatorium: 疗养院

clinic: 诊疗所

first-aid station: 急救站

quarantine station: 防疫站

laboratory technician: 化验员

nurse: 护士

head nurse: 护士长

anesthetist: 麻醉师

pharmacist; druggist: 药剂师

out-patient: 门诊病人

emergency case: 急诊病人

cure; treat; heal: 医治

healing of burns: 医治烧伤

fail to respond to any medical treatment: 医治无效

doctor's advice: 医嘱

take medicine according to doctor's orders:遵照医嘱服药

assistant doctor: 医助
