
发布时间:2016-12-01 21:12



A:We have been over this a hundred times! We are not getting a pet!


B:Why not? Come on! Just a cute little puppy or a kitty!


A:Who is going to look after a dog or a cat?


B:I will! I’ll feed it, bathe it and walk it every day! We can get a Labrador or a German Shepard!


A:What if we want to take a vacation ? Who will we leave it with? Plus, our apartment is too small for that breed of dog.


B:Ok. How about we get a cat or a ferret?


A:We’re planning on having children soon, I don’t think those animals are a good idea with a baby in the house.


B:Fine! Let’s get a bird then! We can keep it in its cage and teach it to talk! A parrot would be awesome!


A:I’ll tell you what, I can get you some hamsters and we’ll take it from there.

我要告诉你,我会给你买个仓鼠,先从养那个开始。 B:Yay! 好的!



赵:Nowadays, we can find an interesting phenomenon among dorms of college students that most of students wish to have a pet indoor to relax themselves, or in another word, to be a company.


章:I think some college students keep small animals as their pets is reasonable. The systems of College are too strict. Why students can”t do things they like? They just small animals


周:My friend kept a dog as a pet in the dormitory.It is a stray dog, but he also made the careful preparation He toke it so well that we all think he can play with the dog. But a week after the teacher found it. The teacher asked him to drop the dog.What school do Is right?

我的朋友在寝室里养狗,是一只流浪狗,但是他也为它做了精心的准备, 他对它是如此的精心以至于让我们都以为他可以和这只狗一起玩耍。但是一个星期后被学校的老师发现了。老师要求他必须丢弃狗。学校这样做是不是太过分了呢?

张: pets are not healthful or clean especially dogs which you should walk him every day. When you finish walking your dogs, you will find your dog is not very clean as same as before, at least looks so.


赵:yes, bacteria, germs, fungus all of which could threaten you healthy have already been brought to your home that you cannot see with your naked eyes. Well, is that frighten you? Every pet is not so clean as you thought.


章:Don”t you think small animals are very cute and smart? And they are no offensive. I love them very much. They can company us when we are boring .We can play games with them. It also can increase our loving heart.


周:Animals are friends of human beings. Some people eat other animal in order to satisfy their own desires. There are many endangered animal, wild animal, should be protected and not to eat.


张:Nowadays, with the improvement of the people’s living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets. Some raise small dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets.


赵:In my opinion, I do not like the idea to raise animals at pets. We should not deprive them of their natural right. In this way, we will live in a peaceful world in harmony with the other living creatures.



张:However, some people object to the idea of raising animals as pets.but, the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on the surroundings


章:Some zoologists said animals are our best friends.But because of human’s behavior, the habitat of animals are destructed. Some of them are endangered.some small animals is also in danger.Don’t you think it is a good way to protect small animals if we keep them as pets

有些动物学家说动物是我们的好朋友。但是由于人类的行为,动物的栖息地受到破坏。有些已经频临灭绝。一些小动物也正在危险中,你不认为这是一种好办法保护他们? 周:I hope that everyone can participate in the animal protection. 我希望每个人都能参与到保护动物中来
