
发布时间:2016-12-01 23:13





This might harm the shaikh in a way that the murid is unaware of.


No one is unaware of the name of that famous English shipowner, Cunard.



If you were aware of all that, you would change your mind.


Then he became aware that they were regarding him with interest.


Yon can only humbug those who are not aware of your tricks. 你只能欺骗还不清楚你的伎俩的那些人。

I need not press the urgency of the matter on you, as I konw you are fully awareof it yourselves. 我无需向你们强调此事的急迫性,因为我知道,你们自己对此完全了解。

But you always have to be aware of that possibility. 但是,你永远要意识到那种可能性。

They should be aware of their rights. 他们应该知道他们的权利。

Before beginning, though, you should be aware of some prerequisites. 但是,在开始之前,您应该了解一些先决条件。

He was not aware of her presence till she spoke to him. 直到她开口对他说话他才意识到她在面前。

There are some prerequisites to this kind of licensing that you should be awareof, so ensure you know all the details before deploying DB2 in this kind ofenvironment. 对于您应该知道的这种类型的授权来说,这里存在一些 先决条件,因此在这种类型的环境中部署DB2以前,请确保您知道所有的详细信息。

Does our extension need to be aware of any differences between them? 我们的扩展是否需要知道它们之间的任何区别?

Everyone should be aware of these factors and how they affect the mostimportant areas of their social life. 每个人都应该知道这些因素和它们怎样影响自己最重要的社会生活领域。

Once she moved over by Maxwell’s desk, near enough for him to be aware of herpresence. 她还一度走近麦克斯韦尔的办公桌,近得足以让他意识到她的存在。

Before deciding on an option, you should be aware of some of the prerequisitesand current limitations. 在决定使用某个选项之前,您应该注意一些先决条件和当前限制。

This is something that clinicians should be aware of when patients walk into theirclinic or office with signs of flu. 这是有流感迹象的病人走出他们的诊所或办公室时,临床医生应该知道的事情。

Generally, that is fine, but you should be aware of one potential weakness. 一般来说,这是可以的,但您应该注意一个潜在的弱点。

Because he is aware, as in all his letters, that there is someone listening in to thisprivate and intimate conversation between husband and wife. 是一句诅咒,因为他知道,正如对待他的其它信件一样,有人在窥听着这一夫妻间的非常私人非常亲密的交谈。

My students really, want to be aware of this. 我的学生们真的很想了解这些情况。

This has become so natural to us that we are not even aware of it. 这对我们来说已经变得很自然了,只是我们都没有注意到它。

This weekly schedule may not solve all of your problems,but it will make youmore aware of how you spend your time. 这个每周时间表可能不会解决你的全部问题,但它会令你更加意识到你如何花你的时间。

In fact, he was well aware of our plans because he had been communicating withus throughout our time in China, and he never suggested we shouldn’t go. 事实上,他很清楚我们的计划,因为我们在中国呆的那段时间,他一直在与我们沟通,并且他也没有警告过我们不要去河边。

You are well aware of what that means. 你们也很清楚那意味着什么。

That is why it is very important for parents and caregivers alike to be aware ofthis fact. 这就是为什么对与父母和医护者来说意识到这个事实是非常重要的。
