
发布时间:2016-12-01 23:13





The lion lay asleep in its den.


He soon fell asleep with weariness.


Some people grind their teeth while they are asleep.


My grandfather was asleep forever.


When I woke my left arm was asleep.



The children are still wide awake.


The smart of his wound kept him awake.


A pilot must be awake to the changes in the weather.


He is awake to the serious problem.


You should be more awake to the danger of your position.


He is still awake. 他还醒着呢。

Nothing can awake her interest in this trip. 没有东西可唤起她对这次旅行的兴趣。

Viewed in connection with his mistakes, shouldn't this make one wide awake? 联系到他的错误,岂不是可以发人深醒的吗?

He was scarcely awake when he heard the knock at the door. 他刚醒来就听见有人敲门。

Hey, are you awake or asleep? 嘿,你是醒着还是睡着呢?

Not because he sees her naked, but because she isn’t ready for him to beawake. 不是因为他看见她赤裸身体,而是因为她还没准备好让他醒来。

Maybe I should visit Robin in the morning, when she’ll have more energy and be more awake. 我也许应该早晨去探望罗宾,那时她会有更多的精神头儿,更清醒些的。

One by one, they nod off; bar Leonard, who forces himself to stay awake tillmidnight. 孩子一个接一个睡着了,除了伦纳德,他强迫他自己保持清醒直到午夜。

At least a few hours before bed, so that they do not keep you awake. 睡觉前至少几个小时请尽量避免,这样他们就不会让你保持清醒。

It helped them stay awake during long hours of prayer. 它能让他们在长时间的祷告中保持清醒。

Do you ever have involuntary leg movements while you are awake? 在你清醒的时候,你的脚是否有些无意识的动作?

When finally he got up to open a can of soup, the rat came with him, awake nowand discovering its natural perch on his shoulder. 最后他起来打开一个汤罐时,他才发现自己身上还带着老鼠,它现在醒过来了并安然自得地栖息在他的肩头。

Sharon: You know, I feel more awake already. 莎朗:你知道,我已经觉得清醒多了。

By seeing and feeling the spark of the divine in someone, it became awake and it was their divine essence that performed the healing, not I. 通过看到并感受到他人内在的神圣闪光,他就开始觉醒并且是他们的神圣本质完成了疗愈,不是我。

One by one, they noticed me awake and alive. 他们一个接一个地发现我醒了,活过来了。

Because the cave fish may not need less sleep—they may need to stay awake toforage more in an environment where food can be scarce and appearunpredictably. 因为穴居鱼可能并不需要睡得更少——它们可能需要保持清醒,以便更经常地在食物短缺和食物不常出现的环境中觅食。

This means you commit to staying awake for at least the next ten minutes. 这个原则是指你向自己保证在接下来的十分钟里保持清醒。

His wisdom is to keep awake in order to sleep well. 他的智慧在于,想要睡眠好,保持清醒很重要。

But, they are not awake. 但是,他们并没有清醒过来。

You will either have more of the right kind of energy to help your focus, or you’llneed to work extra hard just to keep awake. 那么你就需要食用更多的适当种类的能量来帮助你提升注意力,或者你需要额外的工作来保持你的清醒。
