
发布时间:2017-02-13 23:29




1. RCAT Systems: “You push the limits. We measure it.”

2. RF Bites: “Helping RF Designers one Bite at a time”

3. Rohde & Schwarz: “Pushing Limits”

4. Thor Labs: “Photonics in the Fast Lane”

5. Samsung Electronics: “Imagine”(想像)

6. SIEMENS: “THIS IS HOW”(知其道 用其妙)

7. SONY: “makebelieve“

8. ST Microelectronics: “More Intelligence Solutions”

9. Sun Microsystems: “The Network Is The Computer”

10. Toshiba: “Leading Innovation.”(引领创新)2008

11. Unisys: “We Make It Happen”

12. United Technologies Corporation: “This Is Momentum”

13. Verizon Wireless: “Can You Hear Me Now Good.”

14. vidaRF: “Simple Solutions for Complex Connections”

15. Vodafone: “How Are You”

16. Walmart: “Save money,live better”

17. Xilinx: “The Programmable Logic Company”

18. XMA Corporation: “When Performance Matters”

19. 3PARdata Inc.: “Serving Information. Simply.”

20. 7-Eleven: “Oh Thank Heaven for 7-Eleven”

21. A.T. Kearney: ”Ideas That Last”

22. ACCBank: ”Its All About”

23. ACE Aviation Holdings: ”At Air Canada We Are Not Happy Until You Are Happy.”

24. ACN Inc.: “One world. One Vision.

25. AIMCO: “America Comes Home to AIMCO”

26. AMC Theatres: “Experience the Difference”

27. Abbott Laboratories: “A Promise for Life”

28. Accenture: ”High Performance. Delivered.”

29. Acorn Computers: ”No slogan”

30. Adelphia: “Get. Watch. Do What You Want.”


1. Affiliated Computer Services: “People Making Technology Work”

2. Albertsons: “Helping Make Your Life Easier”

3. Allegheny Technologies: “Specialty Materials That Make Our World”

4. Allstate Corporation: “You’re in Good Hands”

5. Altec Lansing: “Just listen to this!”

6. Aluria Software: “Security Made Simple”

7. American Express: “Do More”

8. American Medical Response: “Patient Focused, Customer Centered, Caregiver Inspired”

9. Ameritech: “In a World of Technology, People Make the Difference.”

10. Apache Corporation: “Sense of Urgency”
