《Where are my glasses》教案及反思
教案是教师课堂教学过程中的重要依据,是教学活动正常开展的重要保障。下面小编为大家带来四年级上《Where are my glasses》教案及反思,供你参考!
《Where are my glasses》教案:
students can ask about and describing the location of things
Sentences: Where is/are my ……?/It’s behind the desk.ect.
to help students to comprehend Conversation.
1.Getting ready
Come to class wearing a pair of glasses on your head.
Squint and pretend to be looking for your glasses.
T: where are my glasses?(write glasses on the board and draw a quick sketch.)
T: Are my glasses behind the door?(point behind the door, then look behind the boor.)no, they aren’t.
Pretend to scratch your head while thinking. Touch your glasses and look surprised.
T: Here are my glasses! They’re on my head!(Remove your glasses and point on the top of your head.)
Put the glasses on properly, then review behind, under and on by pointing to the areas saying each word.
2.Using the book
T: Let’s listen to the tape.
Play the tape one time and have Ss point to the pictures in the book.
T: Listen and repeat.
Play the tape again, pausing after each sentence to let Ss repeat.
T: Where’s Tony’s white sock?(Point to the chair in picture 2.)[Ss: It’s on the chair.]
T:Where are Tony’s glasses? Glasses?(point to picture 6.)[Ss:They’re on the floor.]
3.Try to act out the dialogue in the class.(优生完成)
Listen and read the dialogue.Learn the dialogue by heart.
Prepare for the new lesson.
Where are my glasses?
Where is „? It’s „。 Where are …s ? They are …。
next to behind in front of
《Where are my glasses》教学反思:
1、 呈现部分注意设置情境,整体输入目标语言。
2、 授人以鱼不如授人以渔,注重学法指导。
《开心学英语》系列书的每个单元最后设置的语音部分目的不仅是让学生掌握几个单词,更是希望学生学会方法。《英语课程标准》也指出:教师应在教学中,帮助学生形成适合自己的学习策略。“教是为了不教”,本课教师通过Let’s create.这一环节,不仅让学生明白六个语音词的发音、意义、用法,更注意指导学生怎样去通过旧单词和新学的读音结合学会去读、去记忆新单词,这不仅有利于激发学生的学习兴趣与动机,更有利于培养学生的独立自主的学习态度和形成适当的学习策略,为他们的终身发展打下良好的基础。
《英语课程标准》指出:小学中高年级学生应能能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯;能正确朗读所学故事或短文。儿童心理学家指出,学龄期的儿童对事物的注意力往往带有无意性和情绪性,合适的游戏、学习竞赛、活动能满足学生旺盛的学习欲望。本课教师在最后拓展部分设计了一个“Make a story book”的活动,让学生在“做一做,读一读”的活动中更好地掌握目标单词,懂得一定的朗读技巧,这不仅拓展了学生知识面和视野,极大地丰富了学生的学习内容,还让语言知识和生活实际结合起来,学生在体验的过程更强烈地感受到语言的魅力。
1.《When’s your birthday》教案及反思
2.《It was clean but it’s dirty now》教案及反思
3.五年级《It’s cold in winter》教案及反思
4.《Do you have any glue》教案及反思
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