
发布时间:2016-11-19 11:32


Night owls who wake up late are less likely to take exercise, according to a new report.

People who characterized themselves as night owls reported more sitting time and more perceived barriers to exercise, including not having enough time for exercise and being unable to stick to an exercise schedule.

"Waking up late and being an evening person were related to more time spent sitting, particularly on weekends, and with difficulty making time to exercise," the researchers said.






文中的###night owl就是“夜猫子”的意思,这是一个固定用法。owl指“猫头鹰”,是一种夜行性猛禽,在夜间活动,所以如果形容某人是一个night owl,意思就是指某人喜欢熬夜,是个夜猫子,也可以说成是fly with the owl。

猫头鹰在中国传统文化中是一种不受喜欢的动物,但在西方文化中却有了聪明、智慧的含义。英语中还有一句与猫头鹰有关的俗语:“bring owls to Athens”,意思是“多此一举”,这是因为在希腊神话中,雅典城的守护神是猫头鹰,所以再往雅典城送猫头鹰,当然就是“多此一举”的啦。
