外研版初一上册英语Module 7测试试题及答案

发布时间:2017-04-17 15:57

对于英语这门功课的学习,我们要尽可能学会去做试题卷,因为做试题不仅能够检测出学生们的学习情况,而且还能够起到激励学生学习动力的作用!接下来,小编就和大家分享外研版初一上册英语Module 7测试试题,希望对大家有帮助!

外研版初一上册英语Module 7测试试题

Ⅰ. 单项选择

1. — How can I go online?

— Click “Internet Explorer” with the ______ .

A. keyboard B. monitor

C. document D. mouse

2. We can get ______ on the Internet.

A. many informations

B. much information

C. a lots of information

D. a lot of informations

3. —______is the woman under the tree?

— She is Jim’s mother.

A. What B. Who C. How D. Which

4. Before you turn off your computer, don't forget to ______ this document.

A. click B. save C. open D. close

5. —We can use QQ to chat with each other on the Internet.

— Really? Will you please show me ______ it?

A. how to use B. what to use

C. how can I use D. what can I use

6. They usually go online and use the Internet ______ their homework.

A. do B. does

C. to do D. doing

7. —______ the printer?

— It’s on the table over there.

A. What’s B. Where’s

C. Where D. What

8. —______do you write its name?

— In the box.

A. What B. How C. When D. Where

9. Please connect the keyboard ______ the


A. in B. at C. to D. of

10. My computer is old. I will go to the shop ______ a new one.

A. to buy B. buy

C. buying D. buys

Ⅱ. 完形填空

Tony has a computer. He likes 1

very much. He often uses the Internet. He

2 music from the Internet. He often visits

websites to get 3 for 4 homework. He also 5 emails to his good friends. He makes many good friends from all 6 the world with the help of his computer. He likes travelling very much, so he often

7 travel plans on the computer. But he

8 downloads games 9 the Internet,

because he 10 like computer games at all.

1. A. him B. it C. its D. them

2. A. makes B. visits

C. download D. downloads

3. A. information B. questions

C. answers D. books

4. A. his B. her C. he D. she

5. A. sends B. send C. buy D. buys

6. A. for B. over C. in D. on

7. A. takes B. makes C. buys D. has

8. A. always B. usually

C. never D. sometimes

9. A. in B. from C. to D. at

10. A. don’t B. can’t C. doesn’t D. isn’t

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