
发布时间:2016-11-19 11:57

名词解释: 金钱的确可以“买来”快乐,但是,根据一项全新研究表明,这种快乐感在国内生产总值达到人均3.6万美元后,就不太会再提高了。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

Money can buy happiness, but only up to an amount of about US$ 36,000, a new study suggests.

As expected, the analysis of global data revealed that life satisfaction among people in poor countries rises as their nation's wealth increases and they are able to meet their basic needs.

However, the researchers were surprised to find that for people in wealthy countries, life satisfaction peaks when their nation achieves a GDP of about $ 36,000 per person. Beyond that amount, there is a slight dip in life satisfaction.






文中的###life satisfaction就是“生活满意度”的意思,其中satisfaction是名词,意思是“满意、满足”,如:a sense of satisfaction 满足感,a look of satisfaction 心满意足的表情。词组to one's satisfaction,意思是“令某人满意”。从satisfaction可以派生出形容词satisfied 满意的和satisfactory 令人满意的,及动词satisfy 使满足。

