
发布时间:2016-11-19 11:57

名词解释:在职场中,某人辛苦做出来的东西被同事抢了头功,任务赶出来了却遭到老板毫无道理的质疑,而且还让做一大堆莫名其妙的改动……这种现象被称作“工作劫持(work jacked)”。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

Workjack occurs when you complete an assignment, project, or other accomplishment and a co-worker, supervisor, executive or other employee either claims the credit for the work accomplished, or discredits the work accomplished for no apparent reason, or requests a lot of useless modifications or asks a lot of pointless questions to make the work seem inadequate.

This situation is typically encountered when interacting with people who either do no or little work, have no accomplishments, and are lacking in grey matter.





文中的###workjack就是“工作劫持”的意思。“workjack”也可以作动词使用,过去式和过去分词为workjacked。文中与“职场”相关的词汇有:supervisor 主管、executive 经理、co-worker 同事、complete an assignment 完成任务等。

文末的grey matter是非正式用法,指人的头脑、智力,相当于intelligence。
