名词解释:倒置屋,顾名思义,就是倒立安置的房屋。不仅外观倒立,屋内所有的家具摆设都是翻转的,人一走进去,感觉时空错外,可谓“颠倒人生”。在中国,这可是个新鲜玩意儿,不过在国外,近几年可是十分流行,尤其是在波兰,倒置屋成为了一种旅行新风尚。 你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
Workers in the Chinese city of Fengjing Ancient Town, in the Jinshan District south of Shanghai, have been hard at work putting together what is undoubtedly the country’s strangest new tourist attraction: An upside down house.
Set to open today, the structure will be part of Fengjing Ancient Town's "China Folk Painting Village". Tourists will enter through an "upstairs window" at the bottom of the house and proceed on an upside down tour from there.
Everything inside the house—furniture, silverware, etc, will be glued to the ceiling.

文中的upside down house就是“倒置屋”的意思,其中upside down(也可加连字符拼作upside-down)在此用作形容词,意思是“上下颠倒的”,又如upside down logic(颠倒的逻辑)。upside down也可用作副词,比如turn upside down(倒置)等。
此外,文中的folk一词解释为“民间的、民俗的”,文中的folk painting即为“民间画、农民画”,又如folk art(民间艺术)、folk music(民间音乐)等。