
发布时间:2017-06-06 14:41



grammatical mistake

syntax error



误:He failed to pass theexamination. Whichdisappointed his parents.

正:He failed to pass theexamination. Thatdisappointed his parents.

误:I was very excited andastonished. WhenI had a chance to know American culture through the English language. 正:I was very excited andastonished whenI had a chance to know American culture through the English language. 误:You will be punished even moreseverely. Ifyou don't make a total confession of your guilt.

正:You will be punished even moreseverely, ifyou don't make a total confession of y our guilt.

误:When demand for goods wasshrinking. Firmswould close down or lay off workers.

正:When demand for goods wasshrinking, firmswould close down or lay off workers.

误:After obtaining IQscores. Theexperiments selected the names of 20 percent of the children completely at random. 正:After obtaining IQscores, theexperiments selected the names of 20 percent of the children completely at random. 误:She was at first very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only$500.Notrealizing until a week later that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas.

正:She was at first very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only$500, notrealizing until a week later that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas.

6.2.3 连写句问题

连写句是一种常见的不规范的英语句式。所谓连写句,是指由两个或多个独立分句连写而成的句子(有时用逗号连接,有时不用),分句之间没有并列连词或连接副词。这类句子在一般情况下不会造成歧义和误解,因此在初学者的书面语言中经常出现。例如: Bob decided to go back to his hometown, he wanted to stay together with his parents.



It is a popular misconception that off is found in vast underground pools and that it needs only to be pumped out. At an international conference, the participating countries discussed who the major producers were and how much they would export.


The company produces copiers, duplicators and self-correcting typewriters.

The new computer is the most important, useful and exciting electronic product of today.

His job is gathering, editing and synthesizing information.


If you want to learn a foreign language well, you should try to think in the language and to speak the language as much as possible.

You can learn a foreign language in the classroom, at home or in the foreign country where the language is spoken. 在写作中,如果没有注意同类语法因素的并列,句子结构就可能出现不平行。

误:A student needs textbooks, notebooks, and he needs pens.

正:A student needs textbooks, notebooks and pens.

误:A student who does well in exams attends class, reads the textbook, and he reviews the notes.

正:A student who does well in exams attends class, reads the textbook and reviews the notes.

误:The student wanted to know what the calculus problems were and the due date.
