名词解释:传说美人鱼是以腰部为界,上半身是美丽的女人,下半身是披着鳞片的漂亮的鱼尾,整个躯体,既富有诱惑力,又便于迅速逃遁。她们没有灵魂,像海水一样无情;声音通常像其外表一样,具有欺骗性;一身兼有诱惑、虚荣、美丽、残忍和绝望的爱情等多种特性。有电影、动画片、歌曲等以此为名。一般认为美人鱼的生物原型是儒艮或海牛。 你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
The Philippine Mermaid Swimming Academy in Manila is offering lessons in how to swim like the mythical creature by donning a tail and learning under water breathing techniques.
Starting at £25 a class, the two-hour "mermaid snorkelling" lessons are taught by qualified diving instructors.
The school not only teaches various tricks but also tries to instill an appreciation for the marine environment.

文中的mermaid就是“美人鱼”的意思,很多人都是从安徒生的童话中认识了那个纯洁、美丽、善良的小美人鱼(The Little Mermaid),如:Quickly, the little mermaid dived under the water.(小美人鱼很快地潜入了水里。);mermaid这个词由两部分构成,mer和maid,这两个词都源自古英语,分别为mere(海洋)和mayde(少女)。
文中最后一段中的instill用作动词,意为“慢慢灌输,逐步灌输(尤指思想或情感)”,如:We must instill a sense of responsibility in our children.(我们应该培养孩子们的责任感。)