
发布时间:2016-11-19 11:49


Orders for the popular Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, which officially went on sale on Tuesday, are lower than in previous years because of the government's ban on extravagance. However, prices for the sought-after delicacy have nonetheless skyrocketed.

The crabs are raised in Yangcheng Lake, which is located in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, and are known for their golden furry claws and female crab roe. They have historically been part of China's Mid-Autumn Festival banquet table and are given as gifts during the holiday.





文中的“###hairy crab”就是“大闸蟹”的意思。hairy意为多毛的,长毛的。用hairy来形容,是因为大闸蟹的学名叫做“中华绒螯蟹”,又称为“毛蟹”。大闸蟹是river crab(河蟹)中的一种,Yangcheng Lake hairy crab(阳澄湖大闸蟹)是其中最为知名、最为美味的品种。female crab(雌蟹)的crab roe(蟹黄)、male crab(公蟹)的crab paste(蟹膏)都是美味中的美味。

另外,文中出现了短语sought-after delicacy,sought-after作为形容词,意为很吃香的;广受欢迎的。而delicacy在这里是佳肴的意思,连在一起就是“饱受欢迎的珍馐”的意思。
