
发布时间:2016-11-19 11:49

名词解释:在出行中,主动采用能降低二氧化碳排放量的交通方式,谓之“低碳出行”。 其中包含了政府与旅行机构推出的相关环保低碳政策与低碳出行线路、个人出行中携带环保行李、住环保旅馆、选择二氧化碳排放较低的交通工具甚至是自行车与徒步等方面。低碳出行,是一种低碳生活方式,应当成为我国新时期经济社会可持续发展的重要经济战略之一。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

Shanghai marked World Car-Free Day on September 22nd with a series of publicity campaigns to promote low-carbon transportation, but didn't prevent cars from entering certain downtown areas as it had in the past.

It was the seventh year Shanghai participated in World Car-Free Day along with 150 other cities around the country. Officials used the theme “Greener Traffic, Cleaner Air” to encourage car owners to take public transportation more often and help ease road congestion and contribute to better air quality.





“###low-carbon transportation”在文中解释为低碳出行,“low-carbon”解释为低碳的,又如:low-carbon living 低碳生活、low-carbon economy 低碳经济等。

“World Car-Free Day”解释为世界无车日,为每年的9月22日,旨在鼓励所有市民放弃依靠汽车出行的生活方式,倡导保护日益遭受破坏的大气环境。
